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People share what they have learned most out of their soulmate experience. How they dealt with obstacles, and other things they find good to know for others.
T196. Experience
Nicole Experience and try to understand as little as possible because you will go crazy !!What also helps is writing ...
T195. Follow your heart and your feelings
Betty Follow your heart and your feelings. It opens doors and remains grateful even though this is not always what ...
T194. Trust that it runs as it should
Suzanne Soul love goes straight through everything. Trust that it runs as it should. Don't fight it ...
T193. Do not force anything, trust your feelings
Unknown Do not force anything, trust your feelings, always do what feels right, surrender to this love and live your ...
T192. Timing is everything
Unknown Timing is everything. Stay well with yourself and feel when you can approach the other person. And let go ...
T190. Believe what you feel
K. Believe what you feel ...
T189. Continue to use your mind
Unknown In spite of the almost all overwhelming feelings of love and everything that further releases and brings out feelings ...
T188. Don’t resist that, but go with the flo...
Unknown Soul love is the way of the soul ... who strives for union with his / her other half ...
T187. Do not search, but wait for the butterflies
Unknown Wait until your correct spark jumps. Do not search, but wait for the butterflies. The pure feeling comes with ...
T186. Take the time and enjoy it
Unknown Take the time and enjoy it, it is too good to pass by ...
T185. Follow your heart, but not always
Unknown Follow your heart, but not always because sometimes you have to choose the mind. This creates new possibilities, and ...
T184. Try to make choices for your own life
Unknown Try to make choices for your own life before you get into a circle where you can no longer ...