S346. Quieting


Love, passion and desire. That was still there after such a long time. Tacit connection also. I was so scared that she no longer felt that for me. But when I looked into her clear green eyes, I saw that all of this was still there. Her words told me this sincerely. Deep joy that we can see each other again is in her. Today I felt that again. Because I have quite a process of letting go and detaching. In the end there was love again, even deepened. I told her that too. So it makes no sense not to see each other. Because everything is there and will remain there. Soul love is the deepest love that you can achieve. I think she doesn’t know that yet. That she does not yet know what is happening or what is meant with soul love. She will read it soon. A sleepless night preceded our meeting. She could not see that in my eyes, she said. I didn’t know anything about her in the past 9 months, she did know about me. So I jumped into the deep, totally unprepared. I found that exciting. Some things must be felt. No words are needed for that. And on this sunny afternoon with the sun in the sky and the Mediterranean sounds in the background, it turned out that even the silence could say everything. We sat there with my hand in her hand. Closer was not possible. So close with the heart, with the head and with the body. All the ingredients from before are still there between us. And how wonderful it felt to be so close together. As if it was yesterday that we saw each other. How special can that be? She lives in me every day. And I told her. Not a day has passed that I didn’t think about her. I missed her every day. With tears in my eyes I heard from her that she experienced this too. That I live in her. That I am with her. And yes, she is also with me, in every step I take. She is like a warm blanket around me. It scares me too. The physical distance that is now there again. The time that passes before we see each other again. Is this the confidence that I have to learn that everything will go the way it is intended? No doubt this will be the case. Everything has its own pace, own voice, sound and movement. No steps can be skipped. Not with her either, but not with me. Experienced shows what is real, what is most valuable. And also which direction is the right one. I am speechless. From everything that is happening now. Love, passion and desire. I feel that for her. And she for me. How quiet can we be to hear everything that is actually said? What speaks from our heart? What resonates in our body? What breathes from within us? Can we beat the fear of the new? Trust in ourselves when we choose a new destination? Time will tell and know. But nothing is as silent as the touch of her and me, nothing is as silent as being together, nothing is as silent as feeling that it is right, nothing is as silent as the look that says everything, nothing is as silent as the embrace on seeing and saying goodbye, nothing is as real as she and I, because it shows beauty in a pure and intense way! I’m quiet. And I hear her silence. All this is so silent. How quiet can we be to hear everything that is actually said? What speaks from our heart? What resonates in our body? What breathes from within us? Can we beat the fear of the new? Trust in ourselves when we choose a new destination? Time will tell and know. But nothing is as silent as the touch of her and me, nothing is as silent as being together, nothing is as silent as feeling that it is right, nothing is as silent as the look that says everything, nothing is as silent as the embrace on seeing and saying goodbye, nothing is as real as she and I, because it shows beauty in a pure and intense way! I’m quiet. And I hear her silence. All this is so silent. How quiet can we be to hear everything that is actually said? What speaks from our heart? What resonates in our body? What breathes from within us? Can we beat the fear of the new? Trust in ourselves when we choose a new destination? Time will tell and know. But nothing is as silent as the touch of her and me, nothing is as silent as being together, nothing is as silent as feeling that it is right, nothing is as silent as the look that says everything, nothing is as silent as the embrace on seeing and saying goodbye, nothing is as real as she and I, because it shows beauty in a pure and intense way! I’m quiet. And I hear her silence. All this is so silent.