S165. The soul love feeling … that cannot be described


He came across me through an advertisement on the Internet. He says he immediately melted hihi. I wanted to date but there was not much on my part yet. He told me things that are still engraved in me and, well, hard to explain … the last 3 years I notice that we are opening up more and well, uhmz?

The first 3 years I was not awake or? the last 3 years well so incomprehensible … now? his relationship is on one side .. from me well? I still love my partner and have kids so yes and especially soul love indicates he doesn’t want it this way as it feels now? He is also keeping me a bit off  because when I talk about my feelings for him? uhhh auw badger guess wrong? so yes but when it comes down to it I will have a lot for him and the last month it seems strong my heart is crying for him !!! 

I have and still had a relationship … My husband does not understand and those 2 sometimes have a big fight .. He knows deep down also what he means to me so often t ends up on his feet again
First my love for the soul was a good knowledge … then a best friend … now? Difficult … He seems to be holding me back a bit? Is it getting too dangerous? Is it scary? We have a very good friendship and a sexual relationship that both seems to stop … I will find Grrrr terrible. I will go crazy if I lose uhm … My heart is screaming for uhm more and more.

I think somewhere we both love to have a relationship !!! But think of our duties somewhere? And well fearing… The latter is very disappointing and seems to drift away from each other.

The soul love feeling … that cannot be described.

Somewhere I am looking for a soul love again but on the other hand I think no !!! I make it into something with my partner and my soul love and I come together again someday.