What do you learn from your twinflame?
Answer 1
Funny, this question. I was just thinking about it, without seeing your question, and I can almost say that he showed me my true path. It has not become anything between us, although in principle it had quite some potential. As a result, I have found it very difficult to accept the situation as it is now, but it is slowly improving. In the fall, he leaves for America for at least two years to continue his music studies there. He is in my eyes a beautiful man with an enormous personality who knows what he wants. A man who showed me the way to go by going his own. And it’s good that way. It is good that he is going, so that I can put all my energy into exploring my own path. That seems to me precisely the purpose of all this. The timing couldn’t be better in that regard. Do I need any more arguments to love him? No. There are actually no arguments. Because where many people say: “I ho! ud from him / her, because … “there I say:” I love him. Unconditional. Point. He is who he is and that is why I now get to know myself very quickly and intensively. Pure soul love if you ask me!
Answer 2
Trust in feeling and dare to be honest to yourself … (and SO MUCH more beautiful things that cannot all be described :))
Answer 3
To love yourself.
Answer 4
Nothing, he left after the meeting with the Noorderzon.
Answer 5
Perhaps you should ask what you do not learn from your twinflame? Because of my twinflame I am confronted with everything that is not right in myself and my environment. Making excuses does not work. That’s why it’s probably so educational. I can sometimes fool others (including myself), but not him. The core is: work through old emotions and transform and learn to love.
Answer 6
In every phase I learn something new. At this moment I realize that my ego was the “leader” of my life. I think it is the intention that the person I really am, the part of mine that is always in contact with the higher, gets the “guidance.”
Answer 7
By looking at my old sore, processing it and giving it a place, then being a better person. Finally, let him go.
Answer 7
I mainly learned to stand up for myself. I was soft and that’s not wrong, but I ran over me. Because my tz ran over me in everything, I finally came into action and realized that this was impossible.