Q1010. Infidelity?


If you have a relationship with someone other than your self, but have energetic / astral contact, is there no question of ‘legally’ cheating? Who are you unfaithful to, your partner or your zl? Why would you want energetic contact and not earthly contact?

Answer 1
Well unknown questioner that looks a bit like the well-known ‘chicken or egg question’. And try to understand that in this case, difficult case. But that is not necessary, just look: I love chocolate AND jam, so it is / too. Your love for cholola does not make you less fond of jam. That’s how I see it. But back to your question: would you like an archival relationship with your twinflame or not?

Answer 2
Soul love and earthly love are two different things that can co-exist. Yes, it is cheating if you start an affair during your earthly relationship with the twinflame. Everyone should know for themselves, but I would never dare. I have too much respect for my partner for that. You must always consider “what you do not want you to do … etc”.

Answer 3
No it is not cheating energetic you have always belonged together. You are the other’s half. I don’t think you’re cheating on your partner. Although it seems like that, but you can’t help it, it goes unconsciously and unconsciously.

Answer 4
Suppose you get an earthly relationship then you have it 2.

Answer 5
That graces you that you are not starting an affair. But do you not need earthly contact without having an affair?

Answer 6
Yes it can certainly both coexist. I sometimes find it difficult to love two, one has a relationship and the other has nothing (in the earthly way). You want to share and express the love for both. Earthly laws alone do not allow that, if you do then you will go ‘strange’. I sometimes felt guilty because my thoughts are often with twinflames while I am in a relationship with someone else. Then I had a symbolic dream about a chocolate egg, it fell apart into two halves, I gave 1 half to twinflame and 1 half to my friend. That was the sign for me, a kind of permission that the love for both can be there and that I don’t have to feel guilty. And that I don’t have to choose between one or the other. It also becomes easier when I consider that my dear friend also has a twinflame somewhere that he might also meet in this life, that will make it much easier. I think I could never start an affair with a twinflame, but that is by no means the case. Should I ever end up in such a situation, I will first tell you what there is. But again that is by no means an issue, there is not even contact in the earthly and also does not know if that will ever come again. I really have to let go of the whole twinflame hassle (it costs me too much energy) and focus on other important things in life, but that is not so easy. I think I could never start an affair with a twinflame, but that is by no means the case. Should I ever end up in such a situation, I will first tell you what there is. But again that is by no means an issue, there is not even contact in the earthly and also does not know if that will ever come again. I really have to let go of the whole twinflame hassle (it costs me too much energy) and focus on other important things in life, but that is not so easy. I think I could never start an affair with a twinflame, but that is by no means the case. Should I ever end up in such a situation, I will first tell you what there is. But again that is by no means an issue, there is not even contact in the earthly and also does not know if that will ever come again. I really have to let go of the whole twinflame hassle, (it takes me too much energy) and focus on other important things in life but that is not so easy.

Answer 7
I have it both and it really is totally different. But for the sake of honesty I have to say that I feel more and more inclined towards my twinflame. With him I feel whole, I can totally be myself as I am, and I feel free. My partner limits my thinking and actions. Example? If I do dance once, he must notice that I dance weird. If I speak English, he must say that I speak strange English. Those are just two examples, but they show how insecure he is himself, and project that on me. Because I can dance and I speak English very well. But it is so hurtful if you are always judged that way. My twinflame would never do that. I no longer feel free to do and say what I want, to be who I am. Because he thinks it is just floating and in his heart actually very scary. I realize that I am in a process of letting go. My earthly partner, that is.

Answer 8
Energetically it feels like cheating on me. I feel hurt when I sense what my twinflame is doing, precisely because he is thinking about me at that moment. On an earthly level you have nothing to say about it, because it is your own choice. Unfortunately, this is part of the transformation process. I was in a relationship when I met my twinflame. At that time I already had the feeling that I was cheating with my own friend instead of with my twinflame. I just felt guilty towards my twinflame and I no longer allowed my (ex) friend. My relationship broke down at the time because of course I felt more for my twinflame.
(Alicia S.)

Answer 9
Another good thing in Answer 3, it’s about whether you do something consciously or unconsciously. As long as it is about a different kind of relationship that you have with your current partner, it is in my opinion not unfaithful. Well as soon as you enter into the same kind of relationship that is how I see it. At least here in the Netherlands where polygamy is illegal, not in a country where it is not.

Answer 10
Earthly law does not exist in the immaterial world. The morality on which those laws are based does exist, I think. How you deal with that is strictly personal. Nobody is FROM anyone. My ex thought eating with a girlfriend was going too far, everyone sets that boundary differently, that also applies to the immaterial. We are dealing with a larger reality that we cannot yet deal with properly. So don’t you feel guilty about it. You are a pioneer in this field and you will have to find your own way. The question is whether your astral contact can be prevented.

Answer 11
Answer 10: I am 9 and for the sake of honesty I must be absolutely right. Earthly human-made laws become subordinate at some point as soon as we enter another matter / dimension. And idd is the moral / principle behind it can still be justified. There are so many things that we cannot (yet) grasp with our human mind. But what I always want to know is the ‘why’, I always try to find out or reason for that, also through contact with the Higher, because then I know whether something is reasonable or not, whether your feeling cheats on you or not, so at least I’m put together. What you say about ‘pioneer’ is also interesting, building on the foregoing, I think that also has a reason.

Answer 12
Soul love and earthly love are two different things that can co-exist. Yes, it is cheating if you start an affair during your earthly relationship with the twinflame. Everyone should know for themselves, but I would never dare. I have too much respect for my partner for that. You must always consider “what you do not want you to do … etc”.

Answer 13
Questioner: if the Universe / Allah or do I know what you call it, maybe God Himself, you would say yes it is unfaithful. So you know for sure that what you are doing is being rejected by the Universe itself. What would you do then?

Answer 14
No, astral contact cannot be prevented. That is something that goes beyond consciousness and usually happens to me when I sleep. In the beginning I felt guilty but not anymore. I enjoy it because it is the only place where we can approach each other without the hot breath of others on our neck!

Answer 15
Reply 7: how courageous. I wanted my twinflame to be that, but he is actually very cowardly: on the internet he says all sorts of things (twitter etc etc), but in your face he says exactly the opposite. So you want to let go of your earthly partner, how do you do that? Are you getting a divorce or murder or something?

Answer 16
Answer 5 I do not understand this: does it question the questioner that he does not start a relationship with his twinflame? Because his twinflame doesn’t want that. What does the questioner adorn?

Answer 17
@ answer 5: I can be brief about that: YES!

Answer 18
To answer 15; no of course i won’t commit murder (lol). I am not even going to divorce. I am convinced that everything will fall in the right place, in the future. For clarity; I love my husband, but it’s not as unconditional as my twinflame. And that was quite a shock when I realized that. We have children and I want to see them grow up together. I have faithfully promised him until death do us part and I take that very seriously. With my twinflame I have a kind of astral level relationship. We see each other in daily life (well, not literally every day!) But we only really meet during our sleep. Then all boundaries fall away and that is something beautiful. That alone is enough for me to maintain this until the end of my life. I feel very rich;

Answer 19
Yes, that is a secret place for us 2 where we can be 1 together.