I too have been kicked on my soul by my twinflame. Afterwards I had a hard time with it, but I realized that it was necessary to change. I read stories from: my twinflame has hurt me too much because I have fallen for my soul. But where are you now are you still there or have you changed or have you stuck? I have changed because of the harsh and painful truth. How do you experience this?
Answer 1
I do not feel that I have changed much because of the hard schooling with my twinflame. It has just been a lot of emotional trouble that I have had to endure, but I was already spiritual and satisfied with myself, etc., so I can’t get that kind of lesson out of it. I hope that soon, because I am single now, I will get to know a new person with whom I can start a love affair. I think that only then can I really close all the nasty emotions that belonged to the twinflame period. Because yes, in my case it unfortunately also has to end in closing. (Unknown)
Answer 2
I am still working on the process of change. I am not there but I am generally happier with myself than ever before. It changes you a lot. You no longer want the anger at a given. The anger that you let it come to that. It is a search for yourself. (Unknown)
Answer 3
I have sometimes been kicked on my soul by my twinflame, more than once. And as painful as it was, I always knew in my heart why he reacted that way. I was sad and angry too, but in the basics I felt that he didn’t hurt me but out of power. It never took anything away from loving. Nothing. That is so unconditional, with nothing to compare. Because of the pain I have grown in the sense that I have learned to better distinguish which part belongs to him and what belongs to me. Also that it is not directed against me personally. But it remains shit if someone hits you like that, as if you are banging against a wall. (Unknown)
Answer 4
Answer 1: If you say unfortunately, it seems that you would rather not close it. Why does it have to end this way? (Unknown)
Answer 5
Oh yes, I’ve changed a lot … in the good sense. I have grown through the encounter with my twinflame, I have come across myself for the first time. He made me laugh and shine, it was such a confrontation that we were both not happy with, and we both abandoned, we kicked each other on, as you say, each other’s soul, attracted and repelled each other. But why do you think: because you see yourself and you are so scared of yourself, you don’t want to give in to it, and you project your own failures onto the other. I now realize very normally. For me it is “not well ended”. We no longer have contact, but because of the distance I have finally learned to let him go, that does not mean that I deny him in my life, no it means that I can finally put time and energy into my growth process. I still feel him around me every day, I still feel his love for me very strongly and I love him very much. That will never disappear. But thanks to him I started to enjoy life and I value myself so much more than before. And that is beautiful, that is my experience. I am glad that you also realized that this was necessary to change! (Unknown)
Answer 6
Response to answer 4: Unfortunately, because it still feels like an anticlimax that I have to let it go now. For a long time I was hoping for something beautiful. But he no longer wants / seeks contact, so it ends. (Unknown)
Answer 7
Yes, fully agree with answer two. Really incredible what remains after terrible horror and immeasurable loss in terms of feeling. Self-knowledge, spirituality, tranquility, resignation about earthly problems … Etc. etc. And I am not there yet either, ask myself sometimes if that will ever come again .. (ego). What I think is a pity is that I can’t share it with her yet … Ps you get d, r more patient too .. Believe me .. (TD)
Answer 8
Yes, I too have felt my soul troubled by my twinflame. I learned to deal with it when I discovered the concept of “twinflame”. I did not know that he and I are twinflames. Only since a few years did I understand that my twinflame is only human, with mistakes, just like me. It cannot be otherwise or I too will have kicked him on his soul. Only he never let him know. I like him. Whether it has changed me: yes indeed. If an aura reader had read my aura “before” and “after” he would have seen a difference. If only I knew where the difference was, so that I could correct it. Because it does not feel so pleasant, it is as if I have lost part of my own “old” identity. I also always thought that I wanted something with him someday, but now I am not so sure. (Unknown)
Answer 9
I think I have hurt my soul love with the way I went about it. I didn’t see that myself, I’m used to going my way, just my way, not thinking whether that is for someone or not. he also hurt me, but not again; I hope he doesn’t consciously do that either. then it’s ok. I don’t like it if nothing matters, soul love, yes, a better world, yes, but no feeling at all … (Unknown)
Answer 10
Yes, I too have been kicked on my soul by my twinflame (actually more my EGO), only my EGO kicked back 10x harder. And that lasted a few months when we had an energetic bonus. At one point one of my guides said, if you want to let him go, let him go in love .. was a hard bob for me because I still had a lot of heartache for many other things I had experienced and it was love last thing I felt then, so the war went on for a while. Then I realized that I had to put my hands on my back (I had Reiki initiations). Then got quite a cry and the battle between us was clearly less. A lot of struggle and pain is not caused by your twin but you do respond to him because he / she is closest to you, much comes from the unprocessed / misunderstood past that already existed before you met your twin and of course the karma that you have to work out with him / her. So if you feel trapped in your soul ,! then dare to look very carefully at your past and yourself what has given you so much pain / anger / disappointment etc. and then process it if necessary using. energetic blockade healers / coaches. What I once read somewhere: the ‘suffering’ continues until you have learned all the lessons, because it does not have to be that way, not with your twin and not with your general life. Believe me, I am an hsp drama queen and I felt a lot, but slowly it gets better and better until I can give him a place to rest, that’s my goal. (Unknown) So if you feel trapped in your soul ,! then dare to look very carefully at your past and yourself what has given you so much pain / anger / disappointment etc. and then process it if necessary using. energetic blockade healers / coaches. What I once read somewhere: the ‘suffering’ continues until you have learned all the lessons, because it does not have to be that way, not with your twin and not with your general life. Believe me, I am an hsp drama queen and I felt a lot, but slowly it gets better and better until I can give him a place to rest, that’s my goal. (Unknown) So if you feel trapped in your soul ,! then dare to look very carefully at your past and yourself what has given you so much pain / anger / disappointment etc. and then process it if necessary using. energetic blockade healers / coaches. What I once read somewhere: the ‘suffering’ continues until you have learned all the lessons, because it does not have to be that way, not with your twin and not with your general life. Believe me, I am an hsp drama queen and I felt a lot, but slowly it gets better and better until I can give him a place to rest, that’s my goal. (Unknown) the “suffering” continues until you have learned all the lessons, because it does not have to be that way, not with your twin and not with your general life. Believe me, I am an hsp drama queen and I felt a lot, but slowly it gets better and better until I can give him a place to rest, that’s my goal. (Unknown) the “suffering” continues until you have learned all the lessons, because it does not have to be that way, not with your twin and not with your general life. Believe me, I am an hsp drama queen and I felt a lot, but slowly it gets better and better until I can give him a place to rest, that’s my goal. (Unknown)