I had something incredibly weird this night, I talked to my twinflame that I haven’t seen in years, and I asked him if he knew we were like souls, twinflames and if he knew we were one, and then I really got an affirmative feeling that he knew that, I said that I loved him and missed him and that I wanted to feel him? Then I said … I wish you were sure how much I love you. And then I felt as if someone wanted to enter my body, as if he was asking permission, and then the weirdest experience of my life came, I felt him in my body, after a few seconds I could no longer distinguish between his soul and my soul, everything I missed was supplemented and I was complete again, I was 1 with him? And then I stomped him away, the ego came and thought oh no if he can enter my body he may not be there anymore, he may be dead or may he do this when he is sleeping, I am terribly scared and the question to you is … do you think my twin is in my body can enter if it lives? Does this mean that he is no longer there or is this simply because we attract each other, has any of you already planned this while you know your twin is still alive? I can’t tell he’s dead, but I sometimes feel a void, maybe because I haven’t seen him that long? What do you think? How did this work for you? I am terribly scared and the question to you is … do you think my twin can enter my body if he lives? Does this mean that he is no longer there or is this simply because we attract each other, has any of you already planned this while you know your twin is still alive? I can’t tell he’s dead, but I sometimes feel a void, maybe because I haven’t seen him that long? What do you think? How did this work for you? I am terribly scared and the question to you is … do you think my twin can enter my body if he lives? Does this mean that he is no longer there or is this simply because we attract each other, has any of you already planned this while you know your twin is still alive? I can’t tell he’s dead, but I sometimes feel a void, maybe because I haven’t seen him that long? What do you think? How did this work for you?
Answer 1
Dear you. This certainly does not mean that your twin has died! I recognize what you describe, I have experienced it myself, several times … It is as if your body is being taken over for a moment … That went so far that I felt ‘him’ for a moment, instead of me … or we … Personally I think that you can see it as a different (but beautiful!) way of communicating with each other. That you received the confirmation that you were asking for at that time … Enjoy it. (Unknown)
Answer 2
Do not doubt anything because you have just experienced one of the most beautiful things that a person can ever experience! The fusion of two souls. This definitely does not mean that your twin is dead, mine would be dead too. I am experiencing something similar last summer. I was in bed, it was early in the morning and I was in between sleeping and waking up, a bit of a slumber. I felt my twin then very close to me and he kissed me. Our heads melted together in a bright pink light. The feeling there was indescribable, so beautiful! A few hours later he came to visit (we had a birthday) and I saw from him that he had noticed something too, although we never spoke about it with a word. Cherish this experience, this is just the beginning. Love, (Unknown)
Answer 3
It is an amalgamation for me, felt more often when we saw each other .. 2 auras one feeling, wanted to run fast for it, just felt, saw a hand that offered me another drink, but was one with him , terrible, amazing, fantastic, and confusing at the same time.Not to explain. Later an experience in the early morning (sleep / waking state) now had very conscious 2x that I feel the other person in my whole body (head, heart and abdominal chakra are connected with a thick cord), an amalgamation, silent ecstasy .. overwhelming and delicious..and yes my advice to you; enjoy it .. it cannot happen to me often enough .. but what if you really see each other .. yet a pity! What I feel is that I can ask if he will come to me. (Unknown)
Answer 4
He is certainly not dead, but he is thinking of you. Maybe he wants to contact you again. He longs for you. I have experienced this very often with my twinflame and even sent messages at that time, and we both felt it was very intense. (Unknown)