Who knows movies about Soul Love? I have already seen Tristan and Isolde, very beautiful. In my opinion, Titanic is also a film about soul love. Who knows more titles, sometimes I feel like hiding a night away from the tube.
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Answer 1
‘the notebook’ is beautiful, ‘what dreams may come’ or enjoy ‘abba de film’, the latter may not be a twinflame film but it does make you head over heels and it makes you happy, so I would say nothing. ( Unknown)
Answer 2
Wuthering heights Brokeback mountain What dreams may come Abelard and Eloise Somewhere in time Hero (Ying xiong). There are many. I personally think the best film about twinflames is Krzysztof Kieslowski’s La double vie de Véronique, phenomenal! He put me on the trail at the age of 31 when he came out. I asked a colleague if it could be possible that two of the same souls were walking around in the world as a result of that film. Colleague said that this was not possible and that man only has 1 soul of himself and that every soul is unique. So I had put the twinflame idea out of my head then, until I actually came across my twinflame 17 (!) years later, and immediately thought of that movie again and the feeling that I had there. Thank you, Mr Kieslovski! (Unknown)
Antwoord 3
Bridges of Madison County; La double Vie de Veronique; Coco (Chanel)& Igor (Stravinsky); Immortal Beloved; Brokeback Mountain; The Lovers of the Arctic Circle; Caotica Ana; Japanese Story.(Onbekend)
Answer 4
La double vie de veronique; I already knew him but did not understand him until I met my soul love. (Unknown)
Answer 5
Yes idd The Notebook is also so beautiful! Totally wonderful, how I have been crying! very nice in the end that they are old and lie on bed together to die, the man then says to his wife Good night I see you again. Serendipity is also a nice short film, about fate and coincidence, etc. Very appropriate to me !!! The name of me Twin also appears in both films. Love (E.)
Answer 6
Ps I love you, talking about tear-jerker …. wow. And not a film but a very good book about, among other things, soul love and communicating at soul level is Nefratete Priestess in Atlantis. I recognized so much about this site in the book and also things I read on other sites. I would highly recommend this book to anyone involved in soul love. I almost had tears in my eyes at the prologue and immediately devoured 200 pages (half) on the first night. (M.)
Answer 7
Yes, the latter is a wonderful example of soul communication. Similar books, to the same effect, I think are: The Winged Pharaoh by Joan Grant and The Inauguration by Elisabeth Haich. (Unknown)
Answer 8
And if you feel like a book, then you can safely read IM from connie palms, heartbreaking and very recognizable! (Unknown)
Answer 9
Yes, idd, the film Titanic is really a super clear film about soul love. I saw him at the cinema, didn’t understand it then, was still very young. Was also a fan of the movie, my room was full of posters. When he was out to buy video right away. And now the DVD, have been crying, understand and feel it clearly now 😉 Love you Twin Liefs (Elselina)
Answer 10
Just watched Somewhere in time with christopher reeves and jane seymour. Wow! Really beautiful! You can view it completely via youtube. (Unknown)
Answer 11
The Notebook is really a film about twinflames. Really recommended. The Lake House, Serendipity, While You Where Sleeping (soulmates), August Rush. Enjoy watching! (Alicia S.)
Answer 12
The theme of soul love and art is beautifully portrayed in the film: “Never let me go!” (Unknown)
Answer 13
Answer 1 Abba the movie is a good soulmates movie, I think;) (Wieweet)