A number of people have written that they are in their last life. I would like to know how they know this for sure, suspect? if so, will you live it differently?
Answer 1
I think those people know that, they know their inner self. Being able to listen to your own pure self. I know that this is certainly not my last life. I have had many, but I am not ready yet, although I am making progress. I also believe that you always return to about the same group of souls, so that the people who are now around you are also in a different life, but perhaps as your child, brother, sister etc while they now play a different role. ( Unknown)
Answer 2
No you will not live differently through it. I know that I am in my last life because of my son who is now my astral guide. He told me that. He leads me in these things, he was also in his last life. He shows me how to become a guide for my twinflame in his next life as an angel. That I am in my last life has been predicted to me several times by different mediums. You no longer do those stupid things that other souls do when you are in the last life. The feeling that you have learned all the lessons. More in harmony with yourself. Getting a kind of higher understanding, platonic life, detaching things like that go with great ease when you are in your last life. (Unknown)
Answer 3
I also think that applies to me, but are you sure? From the beginning I received a lot of messages from above and also that I was very “high”, of course I explained that in an earthly way and then said, yes bye I am not high and it doesn’t want to be either. Later I realized that that was “their” way of indicating to me that I was already far with my soul development. I then understood how it was possible that I learned so quickly, after all I had already experienced everything, somewhere on my hard disk there was already a notch, you just have to press the right button haha. I also knew that I was supposed to continue with twin, once in this life and later I read somewhere that that often only happens with souls who are in their last earthly lives. And whether it is correct? I don’t care at all because I’m definitely not going to live by it, After all, I always thought that I only had 1 life. You get an earthly life to learn lessons, well, I really hope! that after this I have completed all the lessons more than sufficiently and can then enter eternity forever in Love. (Unknown)
Answer 4
Just as a supplement and clarification, I naturally started to live differently after meeting twin, I am different in life, but not because I think it is my last life in particular. Wouldn’t be good either, then let yourself be ruled by fear again and you will be like all those people who are afraid that they will end up in hell if they don’t do their best well haha. I once read, there is no hell, hell is here on earth (where you have to learn your lessons) and heaven is up there, I thought it was a good one, it could well be that way. (Unknown)
Answer 5
Answer 4: I had never seen it that way before, but the matter becomes a lot clearer when you consider that when someone is cast out to hell and damnation, they simply return to earth to work out karma, learn lessons. Amusing…. God is REALLY love. I never believed in hell, it struck me throughout my entire life to think that the God of love could drive people to hell. Hmmm …. nice feeling now …. That is also the reason why I started to turn away from the church 10 years ago … It did not feel like truth, not at that time. (L.)
Answer 6
Hi L, it’s me, but you probably already saw that, yes, funny? You used to hear God is love and then you thought, yes how is that possible…. but at some point I also found out GOD = LOVE, LOVE = GOD, a very different approach, how to awaken , mooooi. (Unknown)
Answer 7
To answer 4; what a revelation! Indeed, the earth on which we live is hell. Sometimes I really experience that. We live in a terribly harsh world in which nothing seems to be sacred. (Unknown)
Answer 8
Would you also encounter a lot of soul loves (Unknown)?
Answer 9
Answer 8, yes, I think so, nice huh? Just read the book “the soul journey”, in which you can read very clearly how that works and also on what grounds souls decide how they want to return to earth, in what capacity etc., to learn their lessons, really interesting. (Unknown) )
Answer 10
I prefer to close my eyes. (Unknown)
Answer 11
Answer 10, that is possible, a pity, missed opportunity … for whom do you run away? do you close your eyes? I can tell you from my own experience that even the people who have taken the biggest crap out of you here on earth can be soulmates of yours, that you have ever agreed that with each other … lesson in forgiveness for 1, and be forgiven for the other for example .. but if you want a lesson in forgiveness then you will first have to do something bad to someone (sorry, heavy food) .. once you realize that it is that way works then you might look at it differently. And if you still decide to close your eyes, Sweet Dreams (J.)
Answer 12
dear reply 11, I close my eyes to meditate, to go inside; there lie before me all the answers, the truth, my truth. karma happens by itself, sometimes you do not realize it, or only afterwards. that is good too, you can never get a handle on everything. do you understand everything? I don’t have to either. that makes you vulnerable, makes your dark side come up sometimes, msschn against the wrong person … if you live from the soul you don’t make mistakes! grant everyone this love, be sincere then it all comes how it should. (Unknown)
Answer 13
Hi answer 12, I thought you meant something else with your eyes closed, as you write it now, I think we understand each other well and I totally agree with you. I don’t know everything, but by reading a lot and meditating I think I know a lot and that helps to understand the big picture and to overcome your dark side. I can say for myself that since last summer I have had my picture pretty complete in the sense that I can understand and leave behind all the shit from the past (I have definitely overcome my dark side), that I can understand what is now happens to me and why. That I finally understand how that works with that Love and that I can also feel that towards everyone. Which doesn’t mean I can’t feel sad sometimes because I sometimes feel powerless in certain situations, but if you understand you can get over it sooner. Lots of love. (J.)
Answer 14
Hi answer 12, I thought you meant something else with your eyes closed, as you write it now, I think we understand each other well and I totally agree with you. I don’t know everything, but by reading a lot and meditating I think I know a lot and that helps to understand the big picture and to overcome your dark side. I can say for myself that since last summer I have had my picture pretty complete in the sense that I can understand and leave behind all the shit from the past, I can understand what is happening to me now and why. (I really conquered my dark side). I also finally understand how that is about that Love, what they mean by it, and that I can also feel that towards everyone. Which doesn’t mean that I can’t feel sad sometimes because I sometimes feel powerless in certain situations, but if you understand, you can get over it sooner. Lots of love (J.)