Q0566. Letting go?


I had a relationship with my true boy. It was love at first sight from both sides. I said what he thought … Now that has been 4 months gone, but I can’t let go. I don’t feel complete without him. I now know that he is my soulmate. We are both still very intuitive. He blocks contact; in short: it’s all up to me! I still want to fight for him, but how ?? Release or ???? I cannot and cannot live a life without him. I will never have this feeling for someone again, but how do I make that clear to him?

Answer 1
The person closest to you is hurt the most. Your soulmate feels confused by the feelings he has and denies them. The easiest way to deny is to hurt the other person by, for example, denying that he has felt something for you. Keep trusting in the feeling you have felt and let your ZV value. Let him find out for himself what he felt for you, you can’t push him in here. On this site you will also find what letting go means. Keep thinking positively, otherwise the process will only take longer. Suc6! (Alicia S.)

Answer 2
Thank you Alice for your response. You are right and I have heard it so many times now: the more he loves you, the more he hurts you because I am closest to him. Slowly I manage to let him go and have faith that everything will be fine (even though that is not possible right now) But it remains difficult. Not only for me, but also for my son (highly sensitive). but I have faith! (Unknown)