Q0547. Waiting for the ‘other’?


I read here so often that everyone always hopes that the ‘other’ will call or take a step, or make contact, but what have you already done yourself? if this Love is so important to you what do you do yourself? the universe has brought you together and then you do nothing with it yourself? people take steps, pick up your life, it’s yours! the ‘other’ that is you, if this Love is allowed to exist then you do something with it..what stops us?

I don’t think you have to “wait” for the other person, but above all you have to live your own life, after all it is not for all twins to ever come together in this life. And if you make sure that you follow your heart completely and your twin does, and it is destined, then you will come together anyway. I find out that after my last tough lesson, I can let it go completely, it was just that last bit I needed and it feels like a liberation (everything has a reason and nothing happens for nothing haha). I was once told, you have to be able to let it go that you don’t care if your twin is going to emigrate or disappear from your life, you have to be happy with yourself again. And that’s how I am now, I feel. In recent years I have always had a feeling of whether / when / how / how long still / but now I can let it go, it is good as it is and I am happy to be surprised by that time. That deep unconditional love is there anyway and will oh! ok never disappear, whether or not twin is in my earthly life. Dear twin, I love you, love (Forever)

Well, what is holding me back is the fact that my twin doesn’t want me to contact him. Picking up your life and living through, I agree. That is also the message of meeting your twin. Growing your soul, being able to let go (gaining insight, growing over it) of the sadness of missing and feeling love for yourself and everything around you. And now I am going to say something that people do not want to hear: I find out more and more that it is not the intention that you have a relationship, in whatever form, with your twin. The point is that you learn to get through this INTENSE grief, so that you become SO strong emotionally, that even the removal with your twin no longer keeps you from your own path, and that is listening to your inner voice and there base your choices on. Only then will you come closest to your Self. And only then will a relationship with your twin work. Unfortunately, unfortunately, I am not nearly there yet. I still miss him today! corpse. I still cry for him every day. But I also KNOW that there is no other way. I only pray that I, but he too, may grow rapidly so that I don’t have to worry about this transformation for years. So that there is hope that I may have him as an intimate friend in this life (and gladly before I am in the retirement home !!) That is my deepest wish !! Love. (L.) So that there is hope that I may have him as an intimate friend in this life (and gladly before I am in the retirement home !!) That is my deepest wish !! Love. (L.) So that there is hope that I may have him as an intimate friend in this life (and gladly before I am in the retirement home !!) That is my deepest wish !! Love. (L.)

hi L. you contradict yourself, you say that it is not the intention that you have a relationship in any form with your twinflame, but you also hope that your transformation goes as quickly as possible ..? to him as a close friend to have you. I think that if you have indeed grown that far, have transformed, that you CAN get a relationship if you are both strong in your own life, do your own things, follow your own path and have let go of the sorrow of missing because you know that the other person belongs to you. but it is still missing and that is difficult, but the power of our soul ties pulls in such a way that it sometimes drives you crazy … as someone else wrote; unstoppable. so if you both know what you want and follow your path then I think a relationship is possible,

How do you know that you are not coming together with your twinflame? If people do not deal with the fears and keep hiding this, I do believe that they do not come together. In this case, ego prevails. Every situation is different, follow your feelings in this. If your feeling tells you to contact, you do that. Do not act for fear that you MUST see and / or speak to your twinflame. This is the ego again. Give the other person the peace to solve things. My twinflame and I have been together and out of fear we have separated again. My twinflame then returned to a relationship with his then current partner. Because my twinflame is currently in a relationship, I will not interfere with it either. He must understand what this relationship is and what kind of relationship he has with me. If I get involved in this, then we may come together again, but the distance also increases because he has processed the past with his current partner. If your twinflame reacts angrily because he / she does not want to talk to you, it is because he / she is in trouble. Give the other person space here and have faith in this. As soon as the other person understands the feelings of the twinflame, they will automatically seek contact again. Gr. (Alicia S.)

And so it is. That letting go involves trial and error. I can usually get along nicely but there are also times when I fall back in expectations, hope and attract. This week I realized that I was pulling my twin again enormously and then I consciously showed him “the door” as soon as he appeared in my mind. I was completely done with it. Until last night I watched the program Memories in which a woman told about her love from the past that was really in her soul. I suddenly had to cry, that’s how it affects me. It makes no sense to push my twinflame away. But letting go is different than pushing away. Letting go is letting him be who he is and how he wants to be in love at that moment and I feel that I can do it. It is an unconditional love. Whatever he does and wherever he is in the world, that connection never ceases to exist. But sometimes I am just a person who would prefer to have him very close to me. Sometimes. Even if that is not THE goal of! n twinflames. (Unknown)
Answer What I meant by: “I find out more and more that it is not the intention at all that you get a relationship, in whatever form, with your twin” is that I find out that I think it is almost impossible for twins (at least for us) to grow up together (quickly). Only when everyone has fully recovered Himself and is no longer dependent on happiness and love as only your twin can give you, only then do I believe that twins can enter into a lasting relationship in whatever form. Until then, it will remain a game of attraction and repulsion, most of which is fueled by fear. The feelings that twins have for each other are SO intense: I imagine that I would face my love and tell him how much I love him and he could handle this intense emotion and respond to it in the same way, the world would stand still … Until then follows I have my inner voice, I follow my own path and I keep growing! and and miss him and hope and pray that someday we may come together in all honesty to each other. Because no matter how you get used to it, he is my other half and I can try to become complete without him, but I think I will never succeed in this earthly life. And that sometimes makes me terribly despondent, down, and sometimes even really angry. Those are the moments when I think, I just want to contact him !!! But I also know that he is not nearly ready to hear the things that I would like to say to him. So I give him the peace and respect he deserves and I don’t contact him. But that is DIFFICULT. Especially because sometimes I REALLY feel that he is having a hard time and that he needs me. But just then I will not contact you. What I feel is his soul, I never believe that he wants to read my message that I would like to send him at that time. He would not understand it and it would just remove us more! We are not yet at the same level in this. We cannot yet tell each other in truth what we would like to do. That is what is holding me back. But it is hard for me, this meeting with my twin. (L.) Especially because sometimes I REALLY feel that he is having a hard time and that he needs me. But just then I will not contact you. What I feel is his soul, I never believe that he wants to read my message that I would like to send him at that time. He would not understand it and it would just remove us more! We are not yet at the same level in this. We cannot yet tell each other in truth what we would like to do. That is what is holding me back. But it is hard for me, this meeting with my twin. (L.) Especially because sometimes I REALLY feel that he is having a hard time and that he needs me. But just then I will not contact you. What I feel is his soul, I never believe that he wants to read my message that I would like to send him at that time. He would not understand it and it would just remove us more! We are not yet at the same level in this. We cannot yet tell each other in truth what we would like to do. That is what is holding me back. But it is hard for me, this meeting with my twin. (L.) We cannot yet tell each other in truth what we would like to do. That is what is holding me back. But it is hard for me, this meeting with my twin. (L.) We cannot yet tell each other in truth what we would like to do. That is what is holding me back. But it is hard for me, this meeting with my twin. (L.)

Give my twin all the love .. just continue .. have no choice .. there is only one for me..loving (Unknown)

Tonight I died a bit again, it feels like that, but I survive it again, I have always succeeded, I bend, I bend with every wind, sometimes I am afraid that I will break … I usually feel strong but who doesn’t need to be strong once … love to all fellow “lucky ones”. love you dear (Unknown)

Dear L, your last reaction has caught my heart, I could have written it myself. My Twin is not (yet) ready to tell him about how things are between us, that he can feel it himself and especially accept it. Because he does feel it, I know that for sure, I can see that in him. But wanting to know, accepting, no, not that. Not yet. Apparently it takes a lot of time, but I have patience, angels patience. I know that someday we will come together, maybe not in this life, hopefully. I don’t know how much time he still needs, I estimate a lot. The frustrating thing between us is that we never get the chance to agree with the two of us, to be able to talk as it happened. Then we could talk about the deepest themes and it felt so very good. I want that again. But there are always others. That must also have a reason though. I think me and he must learn to speak without a word! and to communicate, to see each other’s eyes and body language what we think. And that works very well, haha. He speaks volumes without saying a word. He sometimes looks me very intensely in the eye, and then I think “would he feel IT now?” I pray that he will wake up. Feel me sometimes the prince who has to wake up sleeping beauty …. What keeps me going is the confidence that everything happens for a reason, and that everything happens at the right time. The only thing we have to do as a person is to go with the flow, and preferably stay very close to yourself. Then it will be all right. Impatience and frustration are tricks of the ego, and so are the doubts that sometimes arise. I consciously put that aside and meditate on my twin. Reading here also helps me to see clearly that everything is real. Love, (Unknown)

To last responder / 9, Your story, my story. Not with regard to the physical encounter with twin, twin and I don’t, unfortunately. But for the rest; your thoughts … my thoughts. It’s great that others feel the same way and feel it just like me. Sometimes I really wonder if I haven’t imagined it all. Twinflames ???? Does that exist ???? And then I will read again and I think; no, I am not crazy and I am not mistaken in my intense feeling of sadness, miss AND love. This does exist !! And it is so magical and wonderful that you MUST again believe in a God / Source / Angels / Universe, etc. Wonderful, what a rest this trust can give you. I completely surrender to it the last few days, and it feels SO good. Love. (L.)

What you write, there is something in it. In the 4 years that I and my twin have been separated, I have more or less maintained contact with him. In the meantime I have been busy with my own development. I was able to let go of the desire for him with pain and effort. Because of this I have come to many insights. Have become much happier. I did not force the contact with my twin, just let it come. Now the time has come to make contact more and more, we are now talking about our future together. (Unknown)

To the person who maintained contact for 4 years: did your twin not want contact with you? What did that contact consist of? and if your twin did not contact you, could you keep the courage and confidence to make that contact every time? I don’t dare to contact you anymore. Afraid that I will only get rid of him more with that. (L.)

That seems very difficult to me. I have occasional contact with my twin, but that is more or less coincidental, not because I contact you. I don’t do that because I want to let him go, go his own way. If he wants to see or hear me, he just comes or calls. And so he does occasionally. On certain days we also see each other on a birthday or other party, for example. And now I have sent him a Christmas card, but I do that every year so it does not stand out. At the moment I have the feeling that there is a radio silence. I hear nothing from him and he doesn’t hear from me. For a while that is nice, it should not last too long. (Unknown)

Is it me or everyone so negative about “not coming together”? Remember that both of them are working on a transformation process! So you too! Which fears do you have to deal with from the past or what do you still have to resolve? If both twins have grown enough, then destiny will send us back to our other half. If you personally think that nothing needs to be changed about yourself, then your ego is busy. How far do you go for unconditional love? I’ve been waiting for my twin for a year and four months and it feels much longer. The 1 simply needs longer time to process the past than another. Stay positive and give the other person time and space! Send the other person a lot of strength and love from the mind to go through this process. Remember that they unfortunately have no time above …. Stay positive in coming together! Gr.

Yesterday my twinflame called, after having been in contact for about 3 weeks. It came as a thunderbolt in a clear sky. He asked about me and I answered the phone. It was an animated conversation, the energy flew back and forth and “it” was completely back again. I would have liked to draw him through the line, my god. In a few days I will see him again and I look forward to it. Go in without any expectation but with love. Immediately I go to rest myself and before I fall asleep I put him in a pink light for a moment and send him all my love that lives in my heart. I’m sure it will come to him. Thank you dear twin for always being there. Even if you do not realize it yourself (Unknown)

No idea, I don’t know it, at least not with someone other than my twinflame. What else feels different than with your twinflame? and why do you think this is a soulmate and that other person is your twinflame, what makes the difference for you? (Unknown)