Suppose you have struggled through an enormously difficult process in 2.5 years, which started with the meeting of your twin, see experience story 231. By coincidence, or actually because I was guided by “above” I came after more than half a half again on this site. I got “contact” with my twin through poems, or so I thought / thought. Although I wasn’t really waiting for contact because I haven’t finished my path yet, which is heavy enough, I thought it was nice to finally get confirmation for what I always knew. Well there are quite a lot of story lines mixed up so sometimes there was some confusion, but by naming details from daily life, using initials and other characteristics that are only recognizable to us, I am 99.99% sure that it my twin is concerned. When I read that he wants contact and I want that too, but I notice that for whatever reason he is there! is still a threshold, I send an SMS with an email address only so that he knows where to find me when he is ready. And then the next morning you will be met by an angry “gentleman” (the one that you know for sure is your twin) and who will tell you that it must now be over by sending messages and that he is no longer served …… So the umpteenth denial in a row, at least in daily life. Pffffffffff, gradually I have the idea that I am really going crazy, or maybe I am dealing with a psychologically crazy person who knows me from daily life and can therefore name so many details. Such a coincidence is really impossible. I think my spiritual development is a long way off, so I just let it all go completely, it’s good as it is, I oversee the big picture and I’ll see when we get together. I also know that you should not let yourself be hurt, that you should stand above it blabla. I am that far, really… .. I can let it go …… so I think I will not be coming here for a while, unfortunately. This is so incredibly hurtful, I don’t treat people that way and I don’t want to be treated that way either, it’s just not necessary, why ??? And if that angry gentleman idd is not my twin, and I am just going mad idd myself, then I offer him my sincere apologies. I also know that you should not let yourself be hurt, that you should stand above it blabla. I am that far, really… .. I can let it go …… so I think I will not be coming here for a while, unfortunately. This is so incredibly hurtful, I don’t treat people that way and I don’t want to be treated that way either, it’s just not necessary, why ??? And if that angry gentleman idd is not my twin, and I am just going mad idd myself, then I offer him my sincere apologies. I also know that you should not let yourself be hurt, that you should stand above it blabla. I am that far, really… .. I can let it go …… so I think I will not be coming here for a while, unfortunately. This is so incredibly hurtful, I don’t treat people that way and I don’t want to be treated that way either, it’s just not necessary, why ??? And if that angry gentleman idd is not my twin, and I am just going mad idd myself, then I offer him my sincere apologies. why ??? And if that angry gentleman idd is not my twin, and I am just going mad idd myself, then I offer him my sincere apologies. why ??? And if that angry gentleman idd is not my twin, and I am just going mad idd myself, then I offer him my sincere apologies.
Hmm I’ve read it ff and you can’t give a meaningful answer, sorry. But it could well be that two stories are mixed together. Perhaps you could call in the help of the webmaster, ask if the email address that you have from him matches the address that they have here on the site. Must say that the story about attracting / rejecting seems familiar to me. My twin is also struggling and kicking in daily life, but we still have telepathic contact, during the day and at night. We have already had the biggest possible quarrels about it. I stay myself and always approach him in the same way and know .. feel .. that he appreciates that, even though for example I get a day after I sent him an email or sms about a vision or feeling, another sms where he mow everything away with 1 blow and put the contact back to 0. After a few weeks of silence, another message comes along: what a quiet girl you are .. It is so difficult and so beautiful at the same time. Wish you lots of love and power! (Unknown)
Is this not the power of fear trying to drive a wedge. find your own way in your heart and not in your soul love. hold him / her in your heart, be strong. that works great for me! (Unknown)
Attracting and repelling is particularly recognizable. I also experience that with my twin. And that for years on end. Every time I keep a distance from him (because we have no real physical contact, we sometimes see each other) I notice that he comes to me more, calls me more often, gets all kinds of signs from him. And just when I am busy with him a lot, trying to establish a soul-level contact, I sometimes feel that repulsion. And that was sometimes very painful because I was personally concerned. Since I learned not to do that anymore, things have improved. I think we will get closer to each other over time, but that takes a lot of time. There are always others around us. What you wrote in your piece under Experience Stories about that your children sometimes make statements about your twinflame, I recognize that too. Even my husband sometimes urges us to invite twinflames to us or to visit him himself. My husband and twinflame get along well, and I’m happy about that. But sometimes the feeling of guilt about my feelings also arises. Whatever the case, I think things are going how they should run. (Unknown)
With us, the contact is zero point, wants contact but it is not possible and that means that you just take a distance and go your own way and then you will see how things are going. also by ignoring and misunderstanding .. rest in the tent that is nice. (Unknown)
Thank you for your responses. There is no longer any doubt about the identity at the moment, what is bothering me is how? It could have been different. I sent a small message out of love and then I was called on the mat like a street coffee as if I had just stolen a wallet. Well, maybe because the way it is so far away from me affects me that way. I have found the light within myself again and see it as a hard and very clear lesson that he is not yet ready for contact on earthly level despite what I read here from him, too bad. Honey, I still love you (Unknown)
Feelings of guilt about feelings that I recognize completely and yet so unreal because how can you blame yourself for feeling something, and that something has become so incredibly strong. You can’t have guilt feelings about it. nevertheless I have them now and then and then I am reminded myself because this is bigger than me, this feeling, and it may be there, you have not looked it up you have not done it on purpose, there is no fault , there is a goal, keep an eye on that then you feel less guilty, at least it feels like that to me .. maybe you can do something with this, because feelings also run the way they should run to stay in your words. .liefs (Unknown)
In response to this last answer, I agree. Feeling guilty about what you feel is nonsense. I say that now, after struggling for years with my feelings for my twinflame. It was not allowed to be there, and as long as I didn’t think about it and put it away properly, it wasn’t there either. But feelings are just like corks, they always come to the surface in the long run. I could no longer run away from it and entered into confrontation. Since then it has gone fast. Something happens in the relationship with my twinflame. He is getting a little closer. Sometimes repulses me just as hard. But still, there is progress, no matter how small. I now know that feeling guilty is not good for anyone. It gnaws at you while it doesn’t change anything. Feeling cannot be turned off and it certainly has a purpose, although this cannot always be overseen.
I am the author of this story. Just for the sake of clarity, I have never felt guilty about my feelings for my twin, they are so pure and I knew right away that this was of a completely different level than what I had ever felt before. What I really like is that I know that my twin feels this too, he also writes it here several times on the site, has been active here much longer than I am, but in daily life he just keeps denying it. In fact, he will be very angry now if I approach him carefully because I had read that he would also like to be in contact. (something I wouldn’t normally do anymore because he rejected me several times and indicated that he doesn’t want to do this) And that hurts me a lot, I really still can’t understand it and I get very sad from, it costs me so much energy! Even if he would only mail once, only to prevent misunderstandings because it is such a difficult period now! or both of us, I really can’t have this at all. To boost myself up, I thought that there is 1 very good reason for this to happen, since nothing happens for nothing, and that is that he first has to make some flying hours, as someone else has said so beautifully here on the site. But preferably I would just have normal mail contact, to exchange experiences and to assist each other where needed. (Unknown)
And every day the mystery gets bigger … Do not want to read any messages anymore but do it anyway because it is the only way of earthly contact, such a shame that it cannot be otherwise. Get thrown back and forth with my emotions when I think a message is for me and then someone else responds who also thinks the message is meant for her, pffffff. And for her it must be just as debilitating, dear other twin woman, I sympathize with you too. I do not want to be fooled, but I do not know how long I will continue this. What was it again … … RELEASING … … but now it just doesn’t work at all anymore …. I’m so sad … .. (Unknown)
Message for my dear, dear H, if you do not want to put an end to the confusion here then I will do it for you. It has nothing to do with doubt or uncertainty about myself, about you or about the big picture and our destiny. But I no longer pull it like this, I go under this, I have never felt so empty and sad. I cannot imagine that you feel comfortable with this way of communicating and I want you to know that this is my last message here. So if someone responds to your messages, then at least you know it wasn’t me. Love You Forever! (J.)
I want to wish you a lot of strength, what a story, so much rejection and confusion that no one will keep up with, love. (Unknown)
So, time for an update. After not posting messages for a few days and just reading here, a lot becomes clear to me. Messages and poems pass by that have exactly the same emotions, charge that I am currently going through, now also understand how so much confusion can arise. Also think that my twin may think that I just kept writing, but darling I can assure you that it is not. I will keep it that way for the time being, not posting and just reading, it’s just that you know it! Am still sad because I just do not understand how you can meet someone you meet almost daily but can continue to reject / deny. If you hurt someone unintentionally in daily life, why shouldn’t you just say sorry in daily life, it’s just 1 word. … but with a huge load. But maybe it is my ego who thinks that …… sighs… .. what about a! l again ……. you may also have no expectations ……… release of expectations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I also am a person who can be sad if I am treated unreasonably. Love You Forever (J.)
Dear J. All that confusion, unfortunately both reacted with love to the wrong person, perhaps better to respond with a name. meanwhile we figured out that this did not come from the corner of which we thought .. you of your twin and I of my twin .. I like it now that it is solved .. hopefully there will be other messages / poems for you and me coming soon..but just starting all over again with love you know, ‘yours forever’ and you have to think that in the long run it is also true, you all belong together haha (Unknown)
Hi dear yours forever, we are happy now, it has produced many beautiful poems but it has cost us both a lot of stress and sorrow. Very special or actually very bizarre how we felt the same emotions for months at the same time and that the situations were right and also the initials. I still believe that there is a good reason for everything and I secretly hope that that good reason is that our twins finally want to come out behind the scenes. As someone else here also wrote, don’t think your twin will understand everything. That is true to me very strongly, I do not understand why my twin does this way …….. love (J. alias Forever)
And now the business with twin is also clear. Can finally let it all go again, and release it completely in love again. After all, I am not done with my path yet, I live my life and surrender to the time, wonderful. (Forever)