Q0473. How do you know for sure that it is your twin?


How do you know for sure that it is your twinflame and that it is not a wish that he / she is indeed your Twin? I have been in deep love with someone for over 14 years .. only in recent years do I know what a twinflame is and have I come to understand why my Love is so strong .. Earlier I always called this my great love .. the most beautiful soul in the entire universe .. But how do you know for sure that this is not something you have told yourself? Of course I feel in the deepest depth that this soul belongs to me .. But why does this soul always keep distancing itself and it often seems as if my love is much deeper and more significant than the other way around? How do you know for sure that you have not kept believing this is your twinflame all your life?

For me they are multiple factors; the most important; you just know for sure, even though you don’t know it’s that name. furthermore the many paranormal events, always connected with that one person. the weird feeling of each other before you see each other, being together spiritually, very clearly. stuck together. to realize that you have a soul. feeling each other (in a beautiful warm light); the powerful magnetism, the aversion, the kind of love etc etc. I can imagine that t is not the same for every twin. (Unknown)

A lot of ‘coincidences’ (= clues from god / universe), suddenly being certain that this is your twinflame, never heard of it and yet you know it, again too much coincidence, energy field together, heavenly feelings of love, paranormal events, unconditional love, gigantic transformation, your whole life turned upside down, choices you never thought you should make, you are guided and the confirmation of the universe that you are doing well when you follow your soul. (Unknown)

I can confirm the above. I have also felt and experienced all these aspects. You just KNOW, it feels. It doesn’t matter which label you want to stick. I myself call it twinflame, but it’s about the feeling that you have it. I only had a very intense experience of fusing in a beautiful light when I was in bed between sleeping and waking. It is the most beautiful feeling I have ever had. If my twinflame and I are together in 1 space (where others are always there unfortunately) the energy between us is tangible. We attract each other like magnets. (Unknown)

Yes, I often had that light when I was still around him occasionally; and that goes on at home and at night; that is contact at a very beautiful level for me, security. (Unknown)

I have only had that experience with that light once. Hope to experience it again. What I do have is that sometimes I am afraid that others can see what is going on. There is someone in my area who looks very sharp, and I think it knows. I feel very uncomfortable when the person is there. Then I restrain myself. But even then, everything shines back and forth between twinflame and me. You can almost grab that energy, that’s how tangible it is. (Unknown)

yes that energy everyone went along with it, as if an extra power was added or so the people around me became softer and happier as a twin and I felt that energy together and saw each other in beautiful colors..but yes the rules of society keeps everyone tidy, hey .. so look but not arrive .. that is / was very difficult and I feel that that is not true as souls because it is so poorly known and so few people experience this have that it is therefore not allowed / allowed .. sometimes if you are a life further that it is then found quite normal .. that’s why I’m sad that this life is so difficult for us, because you just miss each other .. and if this is your last life on earth then you should not enjoy each other as much as possible ..hopefully there will be more light in this quest on earth … am already very happy and happy for all the good, sweet moments and words and all the love that I feel .. Thank you. (Unknown)

So recognizable, this last reaction. I could have written it myself. Indeed it is terribly difficult, not least because of all the rules that apply in our society. Soul love transcends this, but it is not allowed. You would prefer to be closer than your twinflame, but there are so many limiting factors. Sometimes it makes me desperate, because at times I long for my twin. And in his eyes and attitude I read the same. (Unknown)
Answer Who is not allowed to do it? why not? I am sorry about the rules to put it flat once .. becomes strong and do not let too much time be lost by the rules of others .. buttons cut and go for it .. if you see a possibility .. it came to me gradually to .. step by step I started to see that I should not go on like this .. that I could not live like that anymore .. that I would lose that … and that I want to become a twin in my life, every day, that I get unlimited access say .. haha ​​(Unknown)

It feels like love at first sight when you meet your twinflame. You look into the person’s eyes and you just know it. Also the amount of energy, rest etc. that comes from it. My girlfriend started to talk about soulmates as soon as I said it was love at first sight. Later this was also confirmed by a psychic. My twinflame and I are very similar in appearance and inwardly. In terms of attitude, we often do the same. How does that work for you? I recently met my soulmate. He is not the type I like, but that click was just there. We looked into each other’s eyes for five seconds and that was enough. (Unknown)
Answer Yes, we are alike in everything .. whole act, thinking and attitude, manners, appearance and I understand him so well .. but it is sad .. because I understand his struggle .. alas. (Unknown)

You just know it! Even without knowledge of the concept of twinflame you know that this is it. My twinflame and I have spoken so extensively and extensively about it. And all the words that we unknowingly used to express what is, I came across later on sites about twinflame. In addition, even more plays a role for me. The inner knowing, the energetic fireworks at the first (business and written) contact. Everything, but also everything that is gaining momentum. Taking each other by the hand in a transformation process whose pace is so fast, but where so much energy is released that you can handle everything. In our case the total harmony, the release of all ego feelings. A total and so deep love affinity. Feeling the chakra cords, feeling the constant flow. The ‘knowing’ of each other! Everything falls into place! My twinflame and I have never met in real life. We email and call and that contact is in the course of the t! only ever grown and grown. We “know” that this is forever. Just as we know that that day of finally being together comes. When is not important, it comes when the time is right. Don’t think too much about it, FEEL and KNOW! And enjoy every day that this crazy gift brings. (Unknown)