Q0426. Am I crazy?


Am I crazy to continue to believe in and trust in soul love? Have the idea that the rejection and attraction keep happening, that every time we fall back into our ego, how we should be. Contact us in any way, how long can jammers, egos, etc. continue to sabotage? Well no longer with me, I believe in Love and in my sweet Twin! and no that is not earthly, that is high love and that sometimes has wings .. and I dare to fly ..

You must continue to believe in it! Your ego (bystanders, etc.) want you to forget your soulmate. Do not! That attracting / repelling comes, in my opinion, because there is still fear that has not yet been processed. Just be happy that you have seen / talked to your soulmate for a while. The time that you come together will come. If you just keep believing! (Unknown)

No you are not crazy at all; t is seems like a test; sometimes it is made so difficult for me that I think, how can I solve this without ego hassle; then I take a step back; choose each other and then there is a solution. I believe in my twin and in myself. we remain. (Unknown)

Dear strangers, they no longer take that belief from me, it radiates through everything, no matter how everything goes, I notice that I am getting stronger and stronger. Yes, it feels like a test and that is difficult, but it gives more value to where you are. it is love that moves mountains, even if you are not together. about ego stuff; love for yourself, that includes being angry, when they go beyond my borders, that is also love, is my experience, only you are never so good at that! it feels great when you hold on to Love. good luck and thank you. for your answers. (Unknown)

Anger love? anger a bit of shadow? Anger is an emotion to me just like love, but anger, harshness, arguing are part of life; with love sometimes even the other way around … anger IS not love, certainly not pure twin love, it wipes out anger like that. (Unknown)

I also believe in my sweet twin, through everything. (Unknown)

With twin love there is indeed no anger, I think, just a total understanding of why the other person does so because you recognize yourself in it. twins only look at each other in love! Maybe to get clarity; I mean being angry because someone goes beyond your limits is love, but then love for yourself. if someone treats you hard or wrongly, that is not love, that is egoism. (Unknown)

You are not crazy, but do not be fooled. You have done everything to make contact. Even if it is your twin and unconditional love, you may well set your limit to what you want and do not want. If you cross the border, it doesn’t make you happier. In other words, take good care of yourself, don’t depend on your twin and don’t get carried away in his thing. (Unknown)