I have no earthly contact with my twinflame, but I have strong spiritual, energetic. In that spiritual way I also experience when he has sex. it seems that at that moment our band, which is always clear, is clouded, never completely but nevertheless. would he experience it that way with me, I wonder? do you recognize this? how can an astral band also have such an influence on my sex life? Also towards my partner I behave differently, sexually speaking. total abstinence does not seem like an option to me, unhealthy, but how is it?
Try to find out why you will behave differently towards your partner? the feelings for my twin were so dominant that I felt that I was fooling everyone. Feelings cannot be stopped, no matter how much your mind wants that. Perhaps you have come to the point that it no longer feels really good with your partner because you are increasingly aligning with your twin and then that does not want anymore, it makes you tired and sad, at least that is my experience. The book by Jaap Hiddinga, (man, woman and soul consciousness) made it much clear to me about this, what sexuality does to your soul and your body, if you are no longer on the same “wavelength”. (Unknown)
Why is total abstinence unhealthy? You already write that sex of your twin is blurring your band. Well then you already give part of the answer. It depends how you identify yourself. If you fiber yourself more with your body and less with the soul, so people think more like: “I am a body and I have a (twin) soul, then people will sooner regard total abstinence as unhealthy and behave accordingly. You become more comfortable with the soul so in the style of: We are a (twin) soul in two bodies, then – in my experience – it is more a kind of sex on a soul level. You have energetic contact and the twinflame senses that the other half has the energy of another person with him when his other half has sex with that other person, even though he is married to it, for the twinflame it remains a different person, with a different energy that will stand between you. The degree of (spiritual) consciousness makes it harder or easier for me! t abstain, if you cannot live with your twin. But unhealthy …? My experience is that everything can be sublimated, a gift from nature, fortunately but otherwise life would be very unjust! (Unknown)
I identify with both, so double. with my body and its twinflame and with one / our soul and 2 bodies; 2 types of sexuality / love, 2 gifts, flow from this. I like to know that a twin feels that too; sometimes I don’t like feeling my twin with someone else, sometimes I don’t care. but it is something that I effortlessly accept from my twin, we just live on earth. spiritual coming together is very nice, on a sexual level and you can sublimate it, that is unbelievable but it remains (loving) sex … albeit at a different level, but still. 2 spiritual people can have that too, without necessarily having soul love … it is the energetic, soul love aspect, exit. what makes it really special for me, the love aspect in sex that you can’t reach, the light, the powerful, divine, isn’t that incredible? for me that feels like fusing together, but you have no nix to say about that or that when that happens, i feel? and I think you can only sublimate this by sublimating yourself / working on yourself and by mirroring / coming together? or by entering into a real ‘earthly’ relationship with your twin. man, sometimes I think that I have ended up in a dream, that someone who is actually sober when I come across this! A dream? yes, a dream but a very real one. carpe diem. (unknown) do i feel? and I think you can only sublimate this by sublimating yourself / working on yourself and by mirroring / coming together? or by entering into a real ‘earthly’ relationship with your twin. man, sometimes I think that I have ended up in a dream, that someone who is actually sober when I come across this! A dream? yes, a dream but a very real one. carpe diem. (unknown) do i feel? and I think you can only sublimate this by sublimating yourself / working on yourself and by mirroring / coming together? or by entering into a real ‘earthly’ relationship with your twin. man, sometimes I think that I have ended up in a dream, that someone who is actually sober when I come across this! A dream? yes, a dream but a very real one. carpe diem. (unknown)
Find it a difficult explanation. do you have a relationship with both or only with your current partner? and do you experience those soul love aspects? that retirement? it is not clear to me at all, and it would not feel pure to me. my experience is that the energy of another person blurs that beautiful love .. you don’t want that? would like an earthly relationship with my twin, someone who goes all the way for me, but it is not clear to me at all and that does not make love pure and makes me sad and angry, even though I love my twin so much. there have been too many things / people between us for too long, so in my opinion you can’t see that separately from each other, sex and soul love. clarity in love is a condition for keeping it pure! that is respect! a dream relationship? like it, but not only in my dreams.
Yes, it is quite complicated idd, understand that this is how I feel. Of course sexuality is also part of love. I also understand your need to come together with your twin; that sometimes takes a long time and makes me angry, sad, I know too, but spiritual contact makes up for a lot. it is also opposed to, makes suspicious, but is also recognizable; on the other hand, it strengthens trust in each other. can’t you get together with your twin? make contact? if you can disconnect the soul’s love aspect from the sexual side …. if that is possible, can you have contact? will be a practice … but who knows. success (Unknown)
The spiritual merging, the overwhelming divine feeling of soul love, without sex, I have felt that a few times with / with my twin, that went without saying, you indeed have nothing to say about that, but this always happened when there were many people around us were gone. later it was only the physical attraction that came into play, which we could always keep out of it, but in the end it hardly wanted to, I also no longer want to adapt to what everyone / the group demands from us, that we behave as alone but friends. that is such a fight, that power is so great, but now I don’t see my twin at all anymore and I find that much worse. am now a threat to his relationship, so I will not approach him. I so badly want his arm around me and with him alone, but that seems to be impossible. miss a piece of myself. yes contact without sex, is always better than no contact at all. if only I could talk to him and feel our love, then you could say the things that are difficult for you and what you want together. miss him, feel dull and sad. (Unknown)
If you can see sex apart from your soul love, then you are denying a bit of yourself, you enjoy sex that is meant to be loving, I know that too. but at some point I no longer felt like my partner’s partner. it didn’t feel right because the other person (my twin) was always there and it is certainly not the sex you can experience with your twin. it is the fear of choosing that has held me in a similar situation for a long time. I think if you see that separately, then you are not ready to fully admit that love. and what may be a dream for one person may be a nightmare for another. (Unknown)
Dear twin too, it is such a confusing time, all that new to become aware, I just feel it takes time to fit that in with the current existence. therefore you also feel that you are a threat to your twin’s relationship. that is your perception, because soul love is not meant to destroy relationships. do what you have to do, have contact and enjoy it in whatever form, and watch it develop, you develop. msschn is going fast, slow, not. your twin relationship also has a right to exist, so does your inner development. that other relationship is that other relationship. believe in your twinhood, if your twin does that too you will grow towards each other in whatever way. I just read an interesting book by Paul Coehlo, Brida is beautiful. (Unknown)
I believe in my / our twinhood, but I feel that I have to develop according to the rules / wishes of the group. I develop myself and I see how it goes. Hopefully to each other, with each other and together. And of course you don’t want to be the cause of a relationship that breaks down, but if you grow and you feel you want to be together, how do you do that? or do you / our group already rule out that? how can you grow if you are never allowed to be together? how can you mirror? talking and feeling our love together, without others saying what we can and cannot do, but taking into account the other relationship that exists. (Unknown)
For those with 2 gifts; Of course you can come together / mirror, but more like a kind of brother / sister relationship, because if the other person thinks sex at different levels is important and still fine, then he / she is not yet ready to connect with his / her twin. I think that you can also mirror, but do not want more if you are still in a ‘different’ relationship. that is not pure. and yes you will continue to feel that love if you think that is enough then that is ok, for you, I think? soul love is indeed a gift, but do not make it a burden to the other. (Unknown)
I find that interesting … the rules of the group. group ok, but how do you know the rules? do you know everyone in your group? I continue to find it confusing and think there are many answers in self-development. (Unknown)
dear unknown to whom do you ask all those difficult questions? I can’t answer them for you. have faith and live, when you look back at everything you did … did you always know how everything went? I also like to plan but have learned to let go and find it a revelation; if you feel busy, just do nothing, choose if the choice reveals itself. listen to your soul, feel it can’t go wrong. (Unknown)
Feel that my twin is struggling at the moment, do I have to do it or not, will I do or will not, feel pressure to see my twin, so I will not do it again, I am also afraid of being hurt again because my twin it sometimes tucks away and pretends it’s not real life, my soul says you are going to support twin and my soul says your twin has to do it yourself, is that the feeling in you what twinflame is? you feel connected to our soul and therefore to both people. you feel what the other person feels and that is very difficult at the moment! feel doubt / sadness and know for yourself how difficult that is, that has cost me years, do not hope that my twin will take so long. letting go sounds so easy but is so difficult, with flurries I succeed and then again not at all. would prefer to take my twinflame in my arms now and the “real” world would stand still. yes it is not planned that I have already learned what I often say to others; “Easy on huh” maybe I should say that to myself more often (Me)
I also feel it when my twinflame is having sex with other women. I find this absolutely annoying, because I want to make love with him myself. He feels attracted to me but doesn’t really want to meet with me because I know him through the school of my children. He says that I should not ask about others, so he gave the impression that there are no others that he likes .. but I feel it and become very unhappy because of that … maybe I no longer want a twinflame … just give me an ordinary one nice man who wants to meet up, you have a lot more to it. (Unknown)