After a twinflame relationship, can you continue as friends afterwards? I mean it’s all so intense what you’ve been through together. I now know that twinflames do not come together for a relationship. But can you still treat each other as friends, even if everyone gets a different partner?
Why don’t you come together for a relationship, I think you do belong together but you first have to go through a lot of layers of ego and other unprocessed feelings before it is really possible! A twinflame opens all the doors of your soul and you have to go through that. Only then can you handle that intense relationship .. but that you are destined for each other, I know for sure! We live together to a time when you will no longer enter into a relationship with everyone. There will come a time when everyone will recognize his twinflame. I have already seen several people this happened to … and yes; TWIN-SOULS DO HEAR EACH OTHER !! You have separated lives to develop yourself as a soul (by looking for that lost great love, your other half) and you now meet again because you have grown so far that you have that ultimate,
I also know and have experienced that twinflames do not come together for a relationship. You go through deep valleys together and even to the highest peak, and yet you are not destined for each other! (Unknown)
Answer And then you are ready for an ultimate love relationship. But that won’t be with your twinflame. You prepare a twinflame for that. after a transformation process, in which one is farther than the other, you discover that you actually no longer fit together so well, but that the person will always stay with you as a friend for life. (Roos)
AnswerWhat a nice answer (the first answer) you gave here, it is exactly what I feel and could have written (ChildofGod Ivy)
Yes, because of that transformation you can temporarily feel different from your twinflame, but if it really is your twinflame / radius (which may have started as a twinflame) then you are really going in the same direction and that is towards each other !! no matter how difficult it is sometimes to be patient that everything will be alright. have experienced for yourself that you must have faith and be able to let go … (Unknown)