Q0238. How can I properly explain to my partner what I feel?


It already greatly strengthens me that we are not alone in this. The outside world rejects it. Because they see it as being unfaithful to our partners. I’m having a hard time with that. How can I explain to my husband what I feel? Without hurting him, or should I not say too much about it?

People who have NOT experienced this feeling will never understand this. So don’t listen to people who don’t know what they are talking about! respect for your husband> Because he “tries” to understand. Your Soul Love is a Unique thing that you need to be careful with (Unknown)

To Ivy, thank you for your e-mail, on behalf of paul I have been able to send his story through my e-mail address and yes I have contact with paul, which is very intense and confronting, but fascinating …. sorry for the confusion the stories of paul and myself are synchronized, a kind of parallel worlds, coincidence? (Unknown)

If you want to be honest, you will have to inform your partner very carefully and little by little. He notices that you have become different … Before he starts thinking that you no longer need him, you will have to open up things. It will be a confrontational conversation and after that you will know if your relationship is strong enough. If you say nothing, it will gnaw at you. He may have a hard time with it (my partner anyway), but honesty above all else. Because soul love transcends everything and cannot be stopped.