I have the feeling that I have met my soul love, we have been together for a year, we have known each other for years, we grew up in the same neighborhood, he lived 2 blocks away from me but never had contact. In my dreams I always saw a hand on my shoulder, I always wondered who it was and now it becomes clear to me that it was in my dreams. I also had a very special feeling in my belly, when we are not together I miss him enormously it is as if part of me is leaving. I tried to talk to him about it but I feel that he shuts himself off for that. Would he feel the same as me? When we are together we just want to touch each other, we don’t have to say anything to each other. Is it normal when I see him again then I am nervous or have heart palpitations or shake, intimacy is also different. Sometimes I don’t know what to do and I wonder if it is him or if I imagine that, this is not possible. Can I get an answer to that?
When you have met your soul love, you do not wonder. You just KNOW! Every cell, every atom in my body screamed “that’s her!” The realization came to her only later, she was still in the dark, too much “noise” in her mind. (Unknown)