Q0142. I have had statues at home for years with always 2 people who recognizes this?


At home I have statues and some posters of always 2 people together. Save this for years, statuettes or posters with 2 hugging people or embracing each other or next to each other, holding each other, poster where 2 children hold each other and give a kiss etc. I always have a very special feeling, it always has to be 2 people to be. I find out more and more that I like those statuettes and posters because I see the lack of them in them, and I really want those 2 people to be one of them, because I have missed something in my entire life, was always looking for something but didn’t know what. When I look at my statues like that, I think it has to do with the feeling that I have never felt complete until I met my soul love. Then I felt completely complete, and I knew what I had been looking for all my life. Unfortunately I had to let him go again and am still in the middle of the grieving process (that’s how I feel it). Very painful and empty and then I want to be one of those people of my statues, to be together, to hug each other and to embrace. Me a feel and complete. Who recognizes this? I am very curious.

I recognize it somewhat, although not with statuettes. I used to see, and still see, swan couples. Very soon I felt that there was a deeper meaning behind it. Everyone probably knows what swan couples symbolize. Around the time I met my soul love, I saw them more often! Then I immediately knew that seeing those swans had to do with us! And the annoying thing is that if we have once again entered into a confrontation with each other and do not see each other for a while, then I often see only one swan, which stirs up my grief even more … But fortunately it worked out well between us again. AND I often see couples again … (!!!) (Unknown)

I cannot imagine that you can imagine that, the feeling is so pure and real, so intense and intense if you cannot trust it yet what should that special deepest love feeling be? I can imagine that your other half (soul love) says that you feel nothing, that you start to doubt, but maybe he / she cannot deal with those intense feelings at all. But even then your feeling is real. I sometimes wonder if it is always mutual. (Unknown)

I myself had bought a statue in South Africa last year. Of two people who are intertwined with each other, a lot can be found in Africa. I found this so beautiful that I was devastated that it was broken on the plane. I then glued it together. The arms and trunk were together in these two dolls. Later I found out that the boy I was crazy about was crazy, my twinflame, astrologically and numerologically this was perfect and I saw it under hypnosis. When I read the book of twinflames, I looked at this image. (Unknown)