After a relationship of 21 years, of which 14 years married, I made the move. Now I have to say that I was not happy in my marriage lately, and had already decided to leave my husband. Then I could open my heart to him and he and I experienced what soul love is. But they are often not the easiest relationships, precisely because you feel each other so strongly. But I have not regretted my decision for a second.
Look at a proof of how beautiful soul love can be, precisely because you feel each other so well, you know exactly what the other likes, sex is more intense. (Unknown)
Hope my love reads this..a nice message..thank you..the most beautiful relationship on earth, you don’t want to let it pass you by ..! (Unknown)
Good for you that you took the plunge. You will undoubtedly lead a fascinating life and embrace all your feelings. Glad to read that there are people who can be together. May I ask you if you fit in all areas? Emotional, rational, passionate and sexual. (Unknown)