You were twenty-four when you started as a conductor in our choir. We immediately had a good relationship with each other. Every trip we were together, sat next to each other and told each other. At your wedding I sang in church because that’s how you said my voice touches your heart. After each rehearsal we chatted for a long time outside and we couldn’t say goodbye to each other. I wondered if I was in love with you, but it was more. I would not choose you as a person as a person, but I felt it deeper, as if my soul did not separate from yours. I could walk along the beach for hours with him and not say a word. Or sit by a pond and enjoy each other and nature. I didn’t really have sexual feelings. And you left 7 years ago. You were very busy and it was better for us. I didn’t dare ask anything else then. When I said goodbye, it took two hours that it felt so familiar and we knew each other from a previous life. He felt that too. I could feel when he had a hard time or needed help. When I said goodbye, I gave him a rose quartz as a symbol of unconditional love. We would keep in touch. But I haven’t seen or talked to him for a year. But I kept feeling him even though there was some distance between them. For a year I was in pain every day, my soul missed him so much that it almost overwhelmed me. I often drew drawings of him and me in trance. And partly because of this and through someone who reads your blueprint of the soul, I discovered that we have been together for many lifetimes. But every time we started or wanted to start a relationship, a war came in and you were killed and I was left alone. Nearly a half years ago I felt that he was not well, we had contact again by e-mail and I sent a text message. I knew his relationship had ended. And during our lunch appointment, he told me that he and his wife were apart. He now has another girlfriend. The last time he saw me he said that I was exactly his girlfriend, and he was gone. Again I was left with questions. I wonder if I dare to state that. I carefully suggested that I thought I was in love with him at the time. He had just put his arm around me then to hug but he did not comment. Now I try to let go of it more. I don’t want to bear the pain anymore, I can find answers to my questions. What do I want with it. He has a new relationship, I am married.
It has many characteristics of soul love. If you no longer want to wear the ‘pain’, you should no longer see it as pain, but as joy and joy. You make pain yourself! Your pain can only exist by the grace of expectations. Have no more expectations. Isn’t your love for him unconditional? Unconditional love is love without any expectation. Maybe you should learn that from him. Letting go of expectations. The better you manage this, you will feel happier. Letting go brings more happiness than trying to hold on. For my own soul love I once wrote: “my capacity to let go is greater than my desire to hold you.” I also struggled then with the idea that it was incomprehensible that when you feel such an intense love for each other, and one of the two does not want to do anything with it. If the other person doesn’t want to do anything with that love, that won’t hurt you. Look at the beauty that he has shown you! The beautiful feeling of love, the intensity, the purity etc. Enjoy what you have experienced through him. Of course he also feels that love for you, only he chooses not to have a relationship with you. Why don’t you ask him the same thing as me? Give it a try … (Tiny)
Soul love is pure and pure the deepest and most beautiful love, but also a lot of pain that you experience during the process. It is a fact that many soul loved ones are enormously mirrored / confronted with their dark pieces because of their soulmate because who else can mirror you better than your reflection? But that is also how we mirror others, so if you feel that you are responding to something or someone, try to look at that feeling in you instead of pointing at the other person or making blunt comments. Love does not attack another, it is the ego that attacks others to protect themselves out of fear. Love needs no Protection because Love is in his / her strength. Releasing old fears, beliefs from; you always did it before, or if you did something wrong in the eyes of your parents before, patterns from the past, traumas and expectations, etc., can only happen if you first have the courage to acknowledge all these things. In your soul love you often recognize your troumas, fears, unprocessed frustrations from the past. As long as we respond to attacks from others, we are not firmly grounded in our own strength / love and we still have fears that we must let go. It is strange that you only get to know yourself through your soul love. Sometimes old feelings come up that your soul love reflects you, feeling / experience / trauma / conviction, fears, a feeling of loneliness, inferior. If you become aware of each other, that you help each other with that, you can start processing and releasing it. Nobody can mirror you better than your mirror image. During this process one will also feel something that is not particularly spiritual. Feelings of loneliness, anger, pain in the soul, and desires for your soul love. Together you go through a great process of deep love, emotions, recognizing yourself in the eyes of the other. But in this way you learn to recognize and acknowledge the less beautiful side of yourself from each other. This is a process in which one is forced to view and recognize their deepest and darkest side of themselves. This is neither that simple nor painless. When you have all this behind you, that very long process, with many emotions, you discover that deep beautiful unconditional love in each other. Soul Love; no one else can touch you deeper in the depths of your heart and show the best of yourself. (Rudy K) Together you go through a great process of deep love, emotions, recognizing yourself in the eyes of the other. But in this way you learn to recognize and acknowledge the less beautiful side of yourself from each other. This is a process in which one is forced to view and recognize their deepest and darkest side of themselves. This is neither that simple nor painless. When you have all this behind you, that very long process, with many emotions, you discover that deep beautiful unconditional love in each other. Soul Love; no one else can touch you deeper in the depths of your heart and show the best of yourself. (Rudy K) Together you go through a great process of deep love, emotions, recognizing yourself in the eyes of the other. But in this way you learn to recognize and acknowledge the less beautiful side of yourself from each other. This is a process in which one is forced to view and recognize their deepest and darkest side of themselves. This is neither that simple nor painless. When you have all this behind you, that very long process, with many emotions, you discover that deep beautiful unconditional love in each other. Soul Love; no one else can touch you deeper in the depths of your heart and show the best of yourself. (Rudy K) This is a process in which one is forced to view and recognize their deepest and darkest side of themselves. This is neither that simple nor painless. When you have all this behind you, that very long process, with many emotions, you discover that deep beautiful unconditional love in each other. Soul Love; no one else can touch you deeper in the depths of your heart and show the best of yourself. (Rudy K) This is a process in which one is forced to view and recognize their deepest and darkest side of themselves. This is neither that simple nor painless. When you have all this behind you, that very long process, with many emotions, you discover that deep beautiful unconditional love in each other. Soul Love; no one else can touch you deeper in the depths of your heart and show the best of yourself. (Rudy K)