Q0022. What exactly does a soulmate mean?


Hello I had a question what exactly does a soulmate mean? Because I think I found mine.

Answer You
can have multiple soulmates such as your parents sisters brothers friends. You only have one soul love.

1 soul love ?! In 2010 someone came my way (an old classmate, who in one way or another caused my search for myself to begin and open me up to love someone again. We still have contact now and then. Not long then I briefly got to know someone who was going through the same thing as what I went through a few years earlier, a few months later someone who showed me the spiritual and look at faith, I felt all three people well and smelled and she felt when they were not around, even in my dreams, at the last of these three I really thought he was my soul love, until I got to know this young man, about the same qualities, the same interests, etc. I probably let him do something see, as a result of which he withdraws and is back in another relationship or is back with his ex. and I don’t blame him, for she probably teaches him something he can’t find with me now. ond! signs in between everywhere, see in my dreams. and last weekend it was my birthday, I was really not feeling well, but I went toght to let go of my thoughts. at a glance I looked up and saw him walking past through the bustle with another girl. the strange thing is I only saw him and I didn’t see her well. as if I only had to see him. meanwhile I miss him a lot) so then I really wonder which one is my soul love and is there really only 1? everything in me says the latter. see in my dreams. and last weekend it was my birthday, I was really not feeling well, but I went toght to let go of my thoughts. at a glance I looked up and saw him walking past through the bustle with another girl. the strange thing is I only saw him and I didn’t see her well. as if I only had to see him. meanwhile I miss him a lot) so then I really wonder which one is my soul love and is there really only 1? everything in me says the latter. see in my dreams. and last weekend it was my birthday, I was really not feeling well, but I went toght to let go of my thoughts. at a glance I looked up and saw him walking past through the bustle with another girl. the strange thing is I only saw him and I didn’t see her well. as if I only had to see him. meanwhile I miss him a lot) so then I really wonder which one is my soul love and is there really only 1? everything in me says the latter. meanwhile I miss him a lot) so then I really wonder which one is my soul love and is there really only 1? everything in me says the latter. meanwhile I miss him a lot) so then I really wonder which one is my soul love and is there really only 1? everything in me says the latter.