P0037. Like all words


All words are just too many.
Only mutual understanding can save us, being able to see each other in its entirety
Understanding from love, because that’s how it works?
…………… .a black feather on the pavement in front of the cinema ………………
……………… – fall, ………… where two things fall together;

a common touch of God if we understand this at least.
We laugh about it and sincerely take each other in our arms. Feel love again.
How shaky is our balance until the day that each of us actually sees ourselves.
Our hearts stripped of planks, solid Dutch oak; before nailed out protection against even more pain.
Until then we have to make do with believing that the other person loves you / me and beware of misinterpretation.
Which path becomes visible?
What the hell are we supposed to learn together?
What is my share, what is yours?
Making it so heavy and unclear?
And the intensity with which!
We hopelessly run into each other’s pain; yours is not inferior to mine.
Tonight I really thought about it, “I’m choking on it” and searched for words from all words ………….
But words come from our minds, and we have to go back to our hearts a few storey houses and many events ………………………
The planks of painful memories must be removed .
Then we also have a chance.
Tolerance, trust,
unconditional love,
for the self than the other ……………………… ..
I will continue to love you,
and of all words only one of them always works and that is love ………