P0774. Everything and nothing


You are everything and at the same time nothing
I feel you, I taste you
You give me, and don’t take
I want you, I take you
You pull me towards you, you push me far away
I long for you, I long for you
You come very close and disappears again
I pull you to me, I push you away
You help me, you have mercy
I am there, I listen
You save me, free me
I was there and stay there
You are there and never go away
I love you, so deep
You confuse me, embrace me, kiss me
I hold you at every moment
You don’t know
I brake you, I clamp you
You tame me, you loosen me
I help you, I have mercy on you
You listen and protect me
I’ll never let you go
You are everything and at the same time nothing.

I brake you I clamp you write someone in a poem. what would make someone do that? Self protection …
Where would someone get the idea that he has the right to bind someone psychologically to him? Where would someone get the idea that he knows better than the person himself?

it could be my experience, everything and nothing

very nice text … so recognizable.
( Unknown)