P0773. You are me and I am you


I haven’t seen you for ages and I don’t know if I miss you
In a few days I will see you again
Let’s see if it is there again

Sometimes I walk away from it and hide behind my wall
Sometimes I challenge love and look into your eyes full of fire

Sometimes I don’t know how to give myself an attitude and I play around.
Other times I feel confident and beautiful and you see that

Every time you see me I am different from the last time you saw me
You never know what it will be like between us and I feel your tension
What would it be like if I lay in one bed with you

It would sizzle and crackle and the sparks would fly off
Chemistry is a word that is still lacking here
Two pairs of eyes that never lie

You are me and I am you
We often say the same thing
But preferably I would tell you that I love you