Q1208. Palpitations and fatigue?


I know since 4 months who my twinflame is. We see each other at intervals of about 2 weeks and together we fully enjoy what has happened to us. I notice that this gives a lot of energy but since a few weeks I also have heart palpitations. Afterwards hear from her that she thought of me at those moments. (I am also a woman myself) Furthermore, I come across her more often in my dreams, so that I often wake up very tired in the morning.
Who also has experience with this? With kind regards.

Answer 1
I’ve had that regularly lately. That I wake up very tired in the morning or very sad and feeling homesick. We would probably have been together in our dreams at night, although I can hardly remember those dreams. But the feeling that he is still very close to me is very strong and when I put my hands on my stomach my body becomes glowing hot. My moods can also vary greatly one day or the other. Just from scratch. All very tiring but I didn’t want to miss it for the world.

Answer 2
Oh, that heartbeat I recognize so much! A while ago I had a really bad time, so much so that I thought I had to go to the doctor. Until I realized that my heart did (skip) that way because of my twinflame. Now I have it much less, it is a bit quieter although twinflame and I have regular contact in real life now. And I also recognize that those dreams and waking up tired; he always comes into my dreams in the early morning and it feels more like an astral encounter than a dream. Like he’s really with me.

Answer 3
A while ago I was so sorry (palpitations) when I talked to her that I placed my hand on my chest to calm myself down
. Which of course did not work. I was very scared that she would see it. And looking at it did not work anymore…