Q0687. Does the Universe govern?


A question has already been asked about control from the universe and now I was wondering, imagine that one twin is already sort of healed, is done with it, oversees the big picture and can “let go” of her twin… .. OK no one is ever completely educated of course I understand that, but still … It seems as if I cannot “let go” of my twin from the universe because twin is constantly sent on my path or I am led to him. Well my twin turns out to be a much less “pleasant” person, or if he has some nasty character traits, than I thought so I would like to let him go again, but apparently it is not allowed, it is not the intention. I try to get my lessons out of it, but for almost a year I really have no idea what to learn from this. Could it be that I am always driven by the universe because my twin still has to learn something, that the process is now one-sided? and that I just have to accept that? does anyone know an answer to that? or I just overlook something.

Answer 1
Yes, the universe certainly controls. Apparently it is not intended that you come apart from each other. He has to learn from you. You can let him go in love so that you remain connected but you are not “bothered” by it. You do that by concentrating very carefully on him and saying in your mind or out loud that you send him all love and that you will always be there but that you go your own way. Imagine a cord between you that is infinitely stretchable. The bond will never be broken. (Unknown)

Answer 2
If I could really let go and POWER to let go, and I had learned all the lessons and it was not intended that Twin and I would come together in this life, I would have had nothing to do with anything on earth I think. Then I would leave, and go and have nice guides up there. My soul’s mission is so strong that I still have to do something with him here, that I already know the opposite. Namely that I have nothing to look for here anymore. Well the universe is not sending me away, nor is it going its way. But I can’t let go either, it feels like outright infidelity. Your twin is less pleasant as a PERSON so you experience that, what does the soul experience then? Can you read through that person: the role he now plays (persona = Greek for mask), can you see through that? Perhaps the universe means that to you / so from: you should not worry too much about the person there, his soul assignment has nothing to do with your soul’s desires. My twin chooses earthliness, is essentially a very spiritual man and wants nothing more than to be pulled into the air by me, but his assignment now is: feet on the ground, the universe sends him some time in my direction, and then he will become looser. He feels my letting go as SOUL as unfaithful, not as a person. (Who knows) and then he will become looser. He feels my letting go as SOUL as unfaithful, not as a person. (Who knows) and then he will become looser. He feels my letting go as SOUL as unfaithful, not as a person. (Who knows)

Answer 3
I run into exactly the same thing as you. I too am drawn to my twin in various ways. Every now and then there is contact between us. The universe also directs your twin to follow his lessons and learn from what he can handle. And of course what you have learned from it. I just don’t understand why we still have to have contact with each other. (Unknown)

Answer 4
The universe helps you, if you want to learn and act accordingly, you don’t have to wait or your twin changes, you have to change / learn / do at least that’s how it has gone, follow your own path and then the universe helps you, it universe also gives you signs / signposts .. don’t look at what the other person is not doing right .. I am convinced that the universe only allows you to come together when you have both learned your lessons. Old beliefs, old pain everything has to be cleared up, no matter how difficult it is, but if you really want to go for it then the universe will help you further and what you do and what is good for you is what you do for your twin, that’s how it works. always look at yourself first is my advice. and my question to you; is it actually the intention to let go of your twin? the universe actually gives you the answer right? (Unknown)

Answer 5
Thank you for the answers, answer 1 I can agree with that and that is how I try to do it. Is it the intention to let go of your twin, no not in my case, I have had many confirmations of the universe for that, only … on a soul level it feels good but in the earthly, and I mean that with those less pleasant ones side, he has done things that really cannot, manipulate, break into my private life from which I think he also gets help from others (and I think that’s the worst part) and I still don’t know if he still does , it feels like a power game what he is playing with me right now. And because he is not willing to say one word about it, to be clear even about that once, I feel permanently in a sort of wood grip from which no escape is possible and I find that very unpleasant. Normally you talk to someone about their behavior if they attack you or treat them unlawfully, with Twin I can no longer do that because he … or denies …. or lies … or gets very angry .. so I stand with my back to the wall to take blows. Now the universe has thought that we should meet each other every day (which I always liked very much), but now it is very double for me because of, well, that everyone understands … what I have to learn from this, know it really no longer, how would you feel in my case .. (Florence) with twin I can no longer do that because he … or denies …. or lies … or gets very angry .. so I stand slapping my back against the wall. Now the universe has thought that we should meet each other every day (which I always liked very much), but now it is very double for me because of, well, that everyone understands … what I have to learn from this, know it really no longer, how would you feel in my case .. (Florence) with twin I can no longer do that because he … or denies …. or lies … or gets very angry .. so I stand slapping my back against the wall. Now the universe has thought that we should meet each other every day (which I always liked very much), but now it is very double for me because of, well, that everyone understands … what I have to learn from this, know it really no longer, how would you feel in my case .. (Florence)

Answer 6
I want to clarify my answer from the other day for those who don’t get it and maybe my twin doesn’t even get it myself…. about breaking into your private .. imagine your twin thinks up a plan together with 1.2 or 3 friends (I don’t know exactly how much) to get your private information, sensitive information, and that plan succeeds and then they go with it market to sell it in public … how would that feel ???? and if you then ask for it, ask for clarification as to whether or not it is true that you are being ridiculed in public or that there is simply no response at all … and that you no longer dare to ask your twin personally about it because he might get very angry or even worse … because that is in short about what is going on between twin and me and what I am very concerned about because I I don’t even know if he is still breaking into my house (everyone else had already gone to the police, and maybe I had already done that to everyone else)…. how should you let go of something like that? and do you have to let go of something like that? I would really like to know how to deal with this, because I don’t know .. (Florence) how should you let go of something like that? and do you have to let go of something like that? I would really like to know how to deal with this, because I don’t know .. (Florence) how should you let go of something like that? and do you have to let go of something like that? I would really like to know how to deal with this, because I don’t know .. (Florence)

Answer 7
Hi Florence, I don’t understand one thing; if he breaks into your house, do you mean that legally? That he comes to your house? If that is the case, I would report it, because that is really not possible. And replace all your locks. I myself have a key to my twin’s house (if he loses his or if I have to take care of the mail when he is on vacation) but I would never abuse it. I think it’s so beautiful that he gives me that confidence, I would never shame that. (Unknown)

Answer 8
Just ignore it, it will stop. If you respond, you put energy into it, and then the problem only grows, just like a plant that gives you attention and food. To get rid of it the fastest, it is therefore important to ignore the PERFECT, not put energy into it. (Who knows)

Answer 9
Florence, a twin who breaks in with your private data with friends and with that goes to market? really can not imagine that someone like that is your twin and otherwise he still has a lot to learn, I also do not know how I would act but I wish you a lot of strength with this powerless situation, dear greetings from another twin woman with you sympathize. (Unknown)

Answer 10
Thank you Wieweet for your tip…. well, no longer feed and just let the plant die, sort of weed or something. but everyone also knows, weeds don’t perish. Plus that weeds can also be very beautiful and very useful, but this plant is not a weed. This plant looks half dead but is very beautiful and sweet and useful, but he doesn’t know that yet… .. and I hope that by giving it a little extra pokon and love, the plant will see that for itself. Love always wins !! And he may know everything about me, I have no secrets for him (I answered that other question right away), but I find it difficult that he engages third parties, I would have preferred that he had just asked me. Once upon a time, his partner once told me what … home / garden and kitchen conversations … and then I was shocked and thought “help” do you treat each other like that? what kind of relationship do you have? and I actually looked for the cause with his partner, but with everything I now know, I think that that cause might well be with him, or with them together…. if you live according to a certain pattern for so long, treat yourself and others in a disrespectful way, then it will become a kind of second nature, I think, and why would he suddenly be different or start doing different things with me. I do think that I open his eyes and that sometimes he is startled by his own behavior, you know that well-known mirror … and then he gets stressed and I immediately notice that his behavior becomes grim. But no, he does not have to be afraid of me, have no secrets, never, I will never condemn him and therefore do not go to the police! and I let him go in love (although I find quite a better word), give a little water and pokon once in a while and I see when he will come back on my path, voluntarily, when they think we are ready together are clear, because it is not going to work now that it is obvious. Still, I hope we can just be friends, because there is a moment coming (and that moment has been there for me for a while) that you really can’t share it anymore with anyone except your own twin … (Florence)