Q0634. Enormous doubts that arise, who recognizes that?


Do you know that? That the doubt suddenly strikes and all certainty comes from under you? Is ego at work here? After sleeping one night, I woke up this morning and thought that my twin did not feel the way I feel about him at all. All the signals I once thought I saw were probably just in my head, and what you would like to see is what you see. In reality, he was just friendly, as always, but no more than that. No attraction on his part, nothing deeper feelings. They were castles in the air. And how sad I feel now. I begin to doubt everything. I want to make one thing clear; he is indeed my twinflame, I know that through many different signs, dreams and incidents. But he’s not in love with me right now. Feels only friendship for me and that is exactly what hurts me. I want so much that he also has those feelings, that he longs for me and wants to be with me. Will that ever come? Deep in my heart I know that it is my ego that is trying to tell me this, but what do I do with that stupid ego? How do I silence that? And how do I find out what my twin’s true feelings are for me? If he doesn’t feel for me, why on earth is there always attracting and repelling? Then why does he keep looking into my eyes for too long and does he continue to do so? Then why does he sometimes make such sweet comments? Just because he likes me? I don’t do things like this with someone I just like. I find it so difficult, when he is in my neighbor, I feel so much about him and at the same time my ego shouts that I am telling myself everything and there is nothing at all. Help! What should I do? Feel so confused!

Answer 1
dear A, yes I have had everything that you feel, that doubt, that uncertainty, it is your ego and the ego of your twin that bother you. believe in yourself and in your twin! (Unknown)

Answer 2
Dear Dear A: You know better yourself !!!!!!!!! You say the note above. Nice huh? That ego. You can really stay away from it everywhere. I recognize what you say … ow, how I recognize that. I call that my destructive thinking, then everything is negative, bad, not true, this does not exist, I just make this up, he must have nothing at all from me, whatever he must do with me. BUT…. I know NOW that when I feel that way, I deliberately bring out all kinds of events and feelings that can give me back my confidence. And then I can only conclude 1 thing; deep in his heart he loves me as much as I love him. Only because he does not yet know that we are twins and that the confusing feelings that he feels are okay, he tries to hide them as well as possible, ignoring them. It is not yet possible for them to see and feel THAT what there is. But unknowingly they know that THAT is there. That creates those looks and that tenderness. Maa! Then their ego also immediately comes around to protect their intense feelings that they do not yet want to explore. And whether that is because I first have to learn all my lessons or that he also has lessons to go, I don’t know. What I do know is that my twin misses me, loves me and finds me just as sweet and beautiful as I do. You know: otherwise he wasn’t my twin !!! But what I find annoying about our age difference, is that I feel and feel exactly the same as you about being ‘in love’, while that is not the intention at all with us, and yet I also long for the return of my love. Must not think that he will soon meet someone else where he will indicate the love, meant for my soul. (difficult point for me.) What you are now in is a ‘nice’ lesson in coming back in your strength, in your confidence in you as twins. Every time we get such a lesson, until we have such confidence in God / Universe that we can let it go completely and therefore fully trust that it will be arranged from above that everything will be alright. Your strength will come back, give it time. Love (L.) until we have such confidence in God / Universe that we can let it go completely and therefore fully trust that it will be arranged from above that everything will be alright. Your strength will come back, give it time. Love (L.) until we have such confidence in God / Universe that we can let it go completely and therefore fully trust that it will be arranged from above that everything will be alright. Your strength will come back, give it time. Love (L.)

Answer 3
In November it dawned on me that the only way this can be tackled and that Twin and I can see each other again is that I try to grow as quickly as possible. Trying to resist as little as possible about what comes my way, to go through it, grow grow grow, develop me enormously spiritually. Just by listening to my feelings. And by actually saying: I want to feel happy !!! I want to learn!! I want to grow !!! Then the things come your way that you need to learn and grow. Then we become stronger and eventually we come to our SELF. And THAT is the assignment. Then there is also room for twin and me. (L.)

Answer 4
Dear A, I recognize your feeling, completely! I also had it for a very long time, and that doubt that always hits hard, I even approached Twin a few times about my feelings (without pushing myself) and referred him to this site and yet he kept denying me did not understand how he could deny something so beautiful, unique. And you know what the joke is, haha, it also reads and grows with it and has been sending messages for years. He was just the “other” side, say (attracting / repelling, recognizing / denying) fear of attachment and ego prevented him from exchanging experiences in the earthly world, I never realized that that could cause such great blockages because I am just the opposite. And that is perhaps also a mirror that you hold each other as twins at such a moment. And it’s okay as long as you know and can understand because then you can learn to deal with it, everyone grows in their own way, it has won! need time. But realize that your feeling is correct, if it is your twinflame you just KNOW! do not doubt, and also know that he is probably going through the exact same struggle as you but the other way around. strength and love (J.)

Answer 5
I read more here about lack of confidence than about doubts about twin. Is that correct? (Unknown)

Answer 6
But is there no clarity in the energetic field? Doesn’t that replace earthly clarity? At least that’s how it goes with us, the soul communication is perfect, that makes it oh so bearable! That takes away all doubts. (Unknown)

I am the questioner and you are right; I know better. In the meantime I feel a bit better, I have received many signs that he really is my twinflame. That strengthens me again. I feel his ego so clear. He shows something completely different on the outside than what he is on the inside. I find that very difficult even though I know it. I sometimes think “just show yourself”, because he can do that very occasionally and those are the moments when we come closer together. I cherish it in my heart. I also noticed that the last week there is so much doubt among people here. That is no coincidence. (Unknown)

Answer 7 Answer 5
, lack of self-confidence goes very deep, if you do not receive any earthly confirmation at any time then you are forced to go “inside”, trusting your inner-knowing, your inner-feeling (all answers are there) in yourself) and we have not learned that here on earth and that is why it is very difficult especially because you often feel a loner and not understood by your environment !! Your sense of confidence in a larger whole, that there is more than … and that everything has a reason, the greatest lesson for all of us. (Unknown)

Answer 8
How funny, after not looking here for a few days, I see your question first. And that was precisely the reason why I came to have a look. Because I also think today, after a simple friendly email from him yesterday, that it is all in my head. That my ego wants to believe that it is IT not to have to admit that it may not be him at all. That it is easier to think that HIS ego stands in the way of our love while it may be my ego who wants to believe that he is my soul love. He apparently has no problems with the fact that love had suddenly “disappeared”. Because we were already together, but in his experience something didn’t feel right. And who will leave if you really love someone deeply? But then I look here and I see this question, I think two things, is it a confirmation of my feeling? or something that shakes me up and says no, look, doubt is sometimes allowed. Yet the feeling now dominates that he just does not feel what I feel and that it is normal. Nothing more nothing less. And that soul love was my excuse for not having to let go of him, because I was afraid that if I let go, nothing would remain of that love. And to be honest, I feel completely free because of that …… .maybe this is letting go? (Unknown) because I was afraid that if I let go, nothing would remain of that love. And to be honest, I feel completely free because of that …… .maybe this is letting go? (Unknown) because I was afraid that if I let go, nothing would remain of that love. And to be honest, I feel completely free because of that …… .maybe this is letting go? (Unknown)

Answer 9
In addition to my answer from just now. I did start with another leap in my process. go ego stripping next week and do an inner child therapy. And in his e-mail it said he was really thinking about me. But really think it was meant to be friendly. and actually that is of course beautiful. Friendship is beautiful. and love is friendship that is on fire I read. now he is a fire brigade. (Unknown)

Answer 10
Hahah, great humor, he is a fire department! That says enough right? (Unknown)