For the first time in my life I have felt the deep love I feel for my twinflame for myself. I have never felt such a deep love for my inner presence. What a gift from God that I was able to meet my dear twin last summer !! What a revelation, what a recognition of my beautiful inner self. For the first time in my life I can actually say that I love myself. Deep emotion … Who recognizes this?
Answer 1
By not feeling dependent on anything and everything anymore, and with twin, I start to feel what my twin feels for me and that feels very nice and I learned that by releasing dependence .. no longer me to be annoyed by ‘bad’ situations, statements from twin that touched me before, I like it because I get it now, because I now feel everything I think as love for / from my twin, as love for myself, there is a quiet peace in myself and I want to hold that because then my heart / soul will be happy. (Unknown)
Answer 2
Yes, so much more self-love, I recognize that. Also more feminine than ever, not the femininity of after puberty, but rather, the girl-female equality of the first 7 years of life. About 2 or 3 times a day, in a flash it will pass. (Unknown)
Answer 3
I recognize this. Like I recognize a lot of your story. Last January the light suddenly came on. I could suddenly accept that I feel what I feel and that this is completely okay. I am allowed to be as I am and slowly, very slowly I try to bring myself more out the way I am. That is still difficult because people are quick to make judgments. And I am not going to tell certain things quickly (such as soul love) because not everyone understands that. But it’s a great feeling that you can finally love yourself. That is really the most important step you can take! Good luck dear L. (A.)
Answer 4
Dear L, how wonderful and what a liberation, isn’t it? that you may feel something like that! A very big step so that you understand and oversee everything much better. The great thing is that you learn to trust your inner knowing better and better, you “know” much more than you think … Keep in mind that, although you feel stronger than ever, you will still be tested regularly and the tests are getting tougher. I had the feeling that you describe about in June 2010 and I thought then, now nothing or nobody can get me down … to the poem story, you know what I mean, it was (for me) a test, an important also with a very important goal but nevertheless I let myself be carried away … I knew what happened and why, but still I could not resist it and for me it was a lesson in SELF CONFIDENCE !!! Know that you will also get it so stay alert and stay very close to yourself !! But am very happy for you, wowh what! are you going too fast !! Love (J.)
Answer 5
Yes, I recognize this enormously. It took me a long time before I started to love myself. I mainly thought so but did I feel it too? No. Even during that time that I got in touch with Twin. I was born again, so to speak, to learn to love myself. We succeeded! I have recognized Twin and his Soul, the burning in my Soul. All and all Soul Recognition, I felt the warmth and energy that was released within me. Outside of Twin I also love myself, feel much more complete, happier, inside. Love (E.)
Answer 6
I absolutely recognize this, although I am really just at the beginning of the entire release process and self-development. But I know very well why I met my soul love. He has brought God back into my life and he is the one who made me realize what my current path should be… Hard work on myself and my self-esteem, because that is what I still lack. For now, the best thing I know is that God loves me unconditionally and every day my path is brightened more clearly, because He sends me. (E.)