Q0548. Work interruption due to soul love?


Are there any twinflames who, due to dealing with their other half, were forced to stop their daily work or job because they could no longer concentrate on their daily activities or something like that? Or were you forced to do something else, a different job? Whether the Sickness Benefits Act came in temporarily or not?

Fortunately, I only work 2 whole days a week, so they can often get through, sometimes with some effort. Then in the evening I definitely have to take time for myself to be able to withdraw into myself. I write my own story every day. This makes matters clear to me. I also read a lot on this site and others. But also mail with other twinflames who are struggling. This takes a lot of time. I have absolutely no objection to this because time flies by. Moreover, I find it all terribly interesting, partly because I suspect that I am on my way to a new ‘job’ but do not yet know what that will be. I am clearly transforming and it takes a lot of time and energy. My household suffers, my family lacks attention, and I do everything on autopilot at work. Thank God I am not leaving a trail of mistakes behind, so I am clear and sharp. I still pull it but if it had been sunny weather in Turkey or another sunny country last week, I would have booked a trip for myself alone. Lovely at the pool, with my laptop, my book; the Celestial Promise, my mobile and all inclusive. So that I can fully withdraw myself and concentrate on my growth. That is actually what I would really need now. But yes, obligations. (L.) So that I can fully withdraw myself and concentrate on my growth. That is actually what I would really need now. But yes, obligations. (L.) So that I can fully withdraw myself and concentrate on my growth. That is actually what I would really need now. But yes, obligations. (L.)

Dear questioner, I assume you are experiencing this now. My experience; days, weeks, years, I was upset by recognizing my twin .. when you encounter your twinflame, no more stone remains on the other, everything is knocked over, to finally let you end up with yourself again. Have different work, different income, different insights, different house, different relationships everything seems to be turned upside down but it doesn’t feel that way anymore, it is a coming home to yourself. So yes a work break, a change, take a good look at yourself, at your life … is it as good as you always thought? Temporary sickness law is possible .. but you will come out healthier, out of that struggle .. go to him if you dare, wish you courage and perseverance .. strength and success! (Unknown)

I have lost working contacts because of it; I have never felt so vulnerable, which is really difficult in my work. oddly enough, t now brings me more and more what i can use in my work, i can convert t better and better, but t sometimes remains a fragile state … i have not lost any customers through it, rather won it. (unknown)

Nice book the celestial promise, just recommended a few girlfriends .. and that feeling of nothing at all, only with yourself I know it..but yes obligations hey (Unknown)

I was the questioner. In the almost three years that I have known my twin now, I almost shrink into my work as a result of a miracle. Fewer customers, not because of my situation, but it went hand in hand with economic malaise and technological progress. Now I am stuck between minimum wage and benefit level, but the joke is that if you become so spiritual and have few fixed costs, it doesn’t matter anymore. A lot of work = a lot of income, both are a lot of ballast if you grow through your twinflame. I sometimes wonder, a house by the sea, a year away, without all the daily obligations, I would grow faster … (Unknown)

Answer There is
currently a distance between me and my twinflame. I constantly think of him. By a little something I also remember something of our time together. My work certainly suffers. I was still unemployed at home for a while and then I felt this even more extreme. I always ask myself how my twinflame is doing and what he is going through. This is the ego that people also want to get different ideas. I have moments of peace, but then it is too quiet again that I wonder if my twinflame is still thinking about me. At least not a day goes by that I don’t think about him. (Unknown)

I agree with the previous responses. Soul love takes a lot of time because you experience and discover a lot in a short time. Your world is turned upside down while most of it takes place in your inner world (at least for me) so there is not much to see on the outside for third parties. Except that one day you feel radiant and fantastic and the next you feel down and sad. That your house can sometimes be a huge mess, but you cannot commit yourself to taking care of everything because your loved one completely takes over your hands. I have also lost several contacts or have drastically reduced my contact with some people. But it is good, I feel that I am on the right track. You have to give yourself time to get everything straight. (Unknown)

Yes, my twin love has been relocated to a different workplace. I could not combine it, see me cycle past (for work) and concentrate on his work. Has started working in another side of the country. As a result, it is necessary to travel 1 hour longer, from 35 km on the highway, on the motorbike, to 76 km to the current workplace. Is therefore at least 1 hour less per day with his family (did not include the traffic jams). On a working day of 8 to 10 hours. So see his family 5 hours a week less, year after year. You see, this all works through, with third parties too, this twinflame thing. The practical side should NOT be underestimated. (Unknown)

Even if you can only go away for one, two or three weeks, but then really alone !!! Of course I don’t know if you will grow spiritually faster, but what I do know is that it can bring you a lot of peace. The times that I went out alone were hard, I found myself very hard, but I also learned from it in the sense that it goes as it goes. A kind of resignation! Of course I miss my soulmate enormously and I want nothing more than to contact him. But I know that I am in his heart and he in mine, that nothing can take us apart. So if you have the opportunity, follow your heart and go, see what it brings you, it will not make you worse. (Unknown)

I feel a lot of tension about it; discomfort; but also peace and then try to pass it on and get a lot in return. (Unknown)