Q0421. Let go and not forget each other?


When you let go of your soulmate, did you wait until he / she came or did you make contact yourself? And what did you do to ensure that he / she did not forget you?

Luckily I just got back in touch with my soulmate again. He wanted to keep a little distance that I had a lot of trouble with. luckily I saw him every week. I kept my distance but apparently seeing each other we were pulled together again and he texted me again. I think you should give it some time too. it is all suddenly very intense what happened. (Unknown)

Let go, believe I can finally do it, it feels better. my confidence and my love grow. now feel much closer to my twin, I have to surrender to how it should go, to the universe, my twin .. you can’t force it, you can’t rush it and that feels great again for a long time! (Unknown)

Letting go is good but if you start to understand how it works to attract each other and if your deepest fear, ego, have shaken together, leaving mainly soul, when you feel ready to make contact, it is ok to make that carefully ; the way is different for everyone. you can then further develop together I think; at your level. do not contact you will be warned. nothing. the cosmos will then work for you when action comes. I think there are phases of self-development and merging. in the best case scenario you can stay together and develop … (Unknown)

You don’t have to let go after a long time, then you can continue. phases of being together and phases of being alone are probably part of it to be able to give everything a place, but time will tell. if you are both mild and sweet then that will be fine. (Unknown)

After years … only attracting remains and a deep love … that can overcome all obstacles! grow together and sometimes only, it seems almost too good to be true! (Unknown)