Q0335. Are there people who still have contact with their soul love from time to time? And how does that work?


I met him a year ago and it was the most intense and difficult time I have ever had. We have now been separated for several months, I am not allowed to contact him anymore, he has chosen his girlfriend and I know that I have to respect that, but why is it so difficult for me, would still like to get in touch with him occasionally, only to hear that he is doing well. Are there people who still have contact with their soul love from time to time? And how does that work? I have no idea if he sees it as soul love, because that has never been mentioned. But I know…. he is my twinflame and with that thought I try to pick up the thread again, sometimes with pain, but also with joy because I was allowed to experience it and now know that it really exists! He wrote his name in my heart,

We will meet a few times this year and I have been predicted a number of times next year. After that …? In any case, often telepathic contact (channeling, BZE) not a relationship in the “normal” sense but I as his guide, a kind from, at the soul level, that is why we had to meet each other in this life … (unknown)

Twinflames have an assignment from past lives, which needs to be solved in this life. What has not been solved in previous lives, say. A karma that needs to be finished. You, as a guide, guide the person where they should be by opening all layers of the soul, through which the person enters a violent transformation process. So that you each develop your own process for yourself. Rediscovering your true self! And then the question is whether you grow together at the same time. because if that is not the case, then you will never get a real relationship together. After this process, you know what unconditional love means. And you each go his own way. Then the assignment is fulfilled. (Unknown)

Hi, I still have contact with my soul love, we met 2 years ago and are actually still in love with each other. He only chooses his family, that is difficult for me, but I can understand it, although I have my doubts. I am happy and grateful that he would like to talk to me, although we also tried not to see or speak to each other anymore. I must honestly say that I cannot succeed, it is hard for me to let go. We are in contact via text message, but we hardly see each other, that is not possible because it is fat that we will share the bed. I am happy that I can occasionally ask how he is doing, but make no mistake, it is also difficult and you have to be very careful of your limits, you get lost easily in your feelings and in the question why not ??? . Our intention is probably to get along with each other occasionally, but to let go of each other outside, but there is nothing better if he answers me and is busy with me. In this way we still share a lot, but don’t see each other, I am very happy, something applies to me again, better than nothing !!! (Unknown)

Yes kind of.I met my twinflame last spring 2008.Exact a year before 2007 in a dream I met my soul love (a strong soulmate / soulmate) who lives on the other side of the world it seemed that he was something to me wanted to make clear I did not know what. A month later in April 2007 I saw him twice on the internet (group photo) previously not thought of him since September 1987. And had no contact since 1983. I always say work I do love here I do there. (Unknown)

Twin situations are quite complex to understand when you are in an initial phase. I understand that you have questions. When my twin chose another woman, we had regular contact with each other now and then because I still lived in our house and he lived with her. Even when I went to live somewhere else, he finally returned to our home and broke his relationship with her because his thoughts were too much with me. Now that he is living in our old house again, those thoughts are only getting worse with him. How I experience our contact, I think that’s best. It teaches me not to lose myself anymore in our twins. I can now be much more myself than when we were in a relationship. Our twin experience has changed me a lot into the positive and has now become much calmer. (Unknown)