Q0285. Has anyone ever had a ‘love orgasm’ without sex?


In an energy exercise with someone with whom I experience a deep soul connection, I recently had an indescribably deep feeling of love. When we started the exercise I noticed that my breath quickly became very deep. And I noticed that very quickly I felt even more deeply connected with her than usual. It is becoming more and more a n 1 feeling instead of 2. And I felt such an indescribably strong love that I have never felt before. And I felt the same love from her too. I don’t feel any difference anymore between my love and her love. The rest of the world no longer exists, that is; I’m just not aware of it. Is this being together in one higher consciousness? That’s how it felt. I was terribly moved and had to cry a lot of happiness and emotion. She also. This deep sense of love, sense of connection, sense of being, experiencing together and expressing to each other is, for me, nothing more than a love orgasm. And once it’s there, it turns out to be easier to get back if we let it sink slightly. But 1 look, 1 touch, 1 second awareness of the love that flows, is enough to cry again of happiness and thus be fully in that feeling, that energy again. And just like with a sexual orgasmic muscle contraction, I notice that my facial muscles contract and that I squeeze my eyes very hard when it feels so deep. I have never felt so much and such deep happiness in my life. And I don’t know how long this took … maybe in my experience maybe half an hour and a half hour to come out slowly again. It was difficult to come out slowly. It was easier to recall the feeling than to let it go again. In the ‘coming out slowly’ I feel unity again in body and mind, it seems. I feel ‘half gone’ and ‘half here’. Very strange … A kind of natural high, I think. I really had to make an effort to release that intense love energy. It felt so beautiful! Are there people who recognize this or can tell something more about it?

That is precisely the feeling of soul love. Orgasm feeling without having sex (Unknown)

Everything happens for a reason, even if you lose each other again. Go with the waves and the current and do not pull, that only brings distance. I also do not think that soul love is meant that you already get a relationship with the person. But only many years later when both processes have matured. (Unknown)

The first time my twin put his hand on my stomach I knocked his hand off my stomach because I felt that I would cum spontaneously at that moment hahaha. I have often experienced a natural high feeling (was perplexed because I, but also my twin, used ecstasy in the past and that feeling that I experienced with a pill I now experienced with my without anything). That strong soul connection made me get high all the time, even when he was just sitting at home in front of his PC and I was sitting in front of mine, I got really high and always started shaking over my body. As if I was literally shaking up to a higher consciousness. And so I have experienced a spiritual orgasm several times just by sitting next to him or having sex with him. I have had it once that I, literally, after he went home again, I sat on the couch for an hour and a half because I really couldn’t do anything anymore. I really had to recover and could not get bored, that mental orgasm was really extreme at the time. What I experience is the kundalini energy that rises to my crown and there comes a kind of explosion, I almost always feel this energy moving around my solar plexus or through my body like a snake winding through my bodyI don’t know if you mean the same thing but this is my experience and what I can tell about it. Love (ChildofGod – Ivy)

But is it so that you are both experiencing it remotely at that moment? I mean are the souls connected to each other? (Unknown)

I have also had this experience, only I do not know if my soul love at a distance has experienced this. Or that I have only experienced it? what does this experience mean? that you experienced it together? as if you had sex together, but still alone? (Unknown)

Yes, I have often experienced that too, at a distance, soul love high feeling, in all sizes, that is very beautiful. going with the flow, that is how I feel it, and occasionally just a little love contact …. as often as possible, give n take (Unknown)