Q0282. How did you deal with that enormous struggle between feeling and reason?


I am still in the middle of it, in the experience of soul love. The feeling is incredibly double. On the one hand it is magical because I get to know a very different dimension, from which I learn a lot. On the other hand, it is incredibly heavy because I am constantly struggling between sense and feeling. We are simply drawn to each other, while I think it is intellectual that this should not / should / should not be heard and I sometimes do not even understand what I feel. As if I look at myself from a distance and with earthly glasses and try to call myself to order because it would make no sense at all. How have you dealt with that enormous struggle between feeling and reason? What ultimately yielded the most and what did you need to make that choice?

Well…. How do you deal with this? I am in the same kind of situation, only the other way around. My soul love is married to a man who has children .. and we are both also a woman .. I think you have to find a balance .. it is also difficult for me .. On the one hand because I long for her intensely, and on the other hand I know also that it is not possible since she has a husband … I have taught myself that everything I feel is ‘good’ .. You don’t feel the things you feel for nothing .. your feeling wants to tell you something, and when you are there going hard, in most cases it comes back even harder .. Sure you have to look at some things in a rational way .. That is also necessary … But try to ask yourself things like; Why do I think this is not possible? You must not forget that we have been taught many things. by that I mean to say that it is a very logical way of thinking. We are confronted on a daily basis with the fact that everything should go according to ‘the perfect picture’. Ultimately it is a struggle that you have and you have to learn to cope with it. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself at all times. Ask yourself: What do I want with the love and affection I feel? What would I want with my soul love? And ask yourself that without involving the rest of the situation. By that I mean to say: what would you have done if you had no husband now, if you were single. Don’t try to think of consequences immediately. Because by thinking of that, you create fears, and fears block a lot. Then it becomes much harder to think about things because you already feel fear in advance of something that is not yet there at all. So you get a distorted picture! t of what you really want .. So try to be honest with yourself. And to list what YOU would like .. I myself am still working on that. On the one hand I would really like to build something with my soul love .. On the other hand, I do not even know what she does or does not want .. In addition, I give you a tip: The only way to get clarity from your soul love about what she wants is to be clear to her about what you feel and what you would like .. It is better to say what you REALLY feel and mean .. Just try to say things the way you really feel them, and not in other words, more beautiful,

Where does love come from, from your feeling anyway. You share the intimacy with feeling. Why would you like to maintain control? What are you afraid of? You share a relationship with two, so you can also talk with two about your blocked feelings. In love you must dare to feel and show your weakness. If you keep withdrawing, you will never find out what this relationship has to offer you and you will let all happy moments pass by with your loved one because you will be stuck in love in your ratio if necessary. You cannot argue for love you must experience. Feeling lets come and go while the ratio wants to maintain the ego, so you also have control over your feeling. (Unknown)

Apparently you are always used to being in your head instead of feeling. You are in such a battle between feeling and reason. The key question is, who lets you dominate. Ultimately, the feeling wins over the mind. It depends on you. As you get closer to your feelings the more you learn about yourself and that means growth in yourself, its up to you! (Unknown)