Meeting my twinflame has been one of the most beautiful things in my life. But at the same time it has been the most overwhelming thing I have ever experienced. I managed to continue with my life, completely without him, because I never saw him again. And I know that individual development can only benefit joint soul growth. But why then that (fierce) encounter? Until recently there was nobody in my area who had experienced the same thing as me. Until recently a good friend who experienced “Love at first sight”. Because I had already experienced it 8 years ago, I could not be enthusiastic about this, but of course she wanted to experience it herself. Not long afterwards she was confronted with the famous “mirror” that was presented to her. And understandably you can hardly enter into a relationship with someone who always shows you your own shortcomings? The best relationships are the relationships in which you are each other’s opposites. But after all these years I still don’t understand why the meeting, or at least the recognition, should have taken place. I have often wondered before: “There must be 1 person in the world, who is like me?” But is that the reason, an answer to my question? Or is it true that these are the last blockages that we have to bridge before you will ever become one? should have taken place. I have often wondered before: “There must be 1 person in the world, who is like me?” But is that the reason, an answer to my question? Or is it true that these are the last blockages that we have to bridge before you will ever become one? should have taken place. I have often wondered before: “There must be 1 person in the world, who is like me?” But is that the reason, an answer to my question? Or is it true that these are the last blockages that we have to bridge before you will ever become one?
‘SOUL LOVE is intense love throughout lives and is independent of personality. Very deep inside we all know soul love. Some may remember it from past lives or from the period between past lives. Some regain soul love in this life and may experience it again in this life (with all the love and commotion that sometimes comes with it). Soul love cannot be created, not understood, only felt and experienced. It is there or it is not there. You could say that you can only ‘resume’ it. Whether or not you may have a soul-love relationship in this life, someday you will be together again, you will be reunited again and you will merge again into one. Soul love is the deepest love on earth, love that passes over lives. Soul love is eternal love ‘(text welcome page).
Even if you are no longer together. You have learned a lot from each other, He / Said has opened your eyes what true love means. Spirituality is learning through fear and love, not through courses. Fear destroys everything. But Learning through your soul love, which has opened you to all layers of the soul. Makes what you have become now. A soul-love relationship is a learning path for yourself. (Ellen)
I have been very much transformed since then, have learned many tough lessons and am still learning, and as long as I cannot let go of my past through fear, I cannot be with my twinflame. maybe we can never be together. But my dreams are so much better, from which I can find strength, to continue. You also have to have dreams, what better way to carry this with you as a dream? A dream with someone you love unconditionally, while still continuing your own life, even if you are no longer together. Be happy that you have learned so much from the person, or would you rather have got stuck in your past? (Unknown)
Your twinflame / Soulmate offers an unprecedented path of spiritual growth and especially “healing” within yourself. It is your other half that you have lived with for many centuries, that shows you true “I” again, and your own love that you had lost in this life. Through your twinflame you will once again discover your shadow sides that you can work on and let go. where you become a happy person. It may well be that you then release your soulmate into a next life, where you will meet again. (Unknown)
People think that a soulmate is someone who is comfortable with them, and that is what everyone wants. But a true soulmate is a mirror, the one who shows you everything that hinders your development, the one that makes you aware of yourself so that you can change your life. A soulmate (Soul Love) is probably the most important person you will ever meet, because he or she badly defends your lines of defense and helps you with a jerk from the dream. But stay with your soulmate forever? Please don’t say that. Far too painful. Soulmates, which only appear in your life to reveal another layer of yourself, and then disappear again. But it always remains the most special person in your life. The only one who could open all layers of your soul. And the Only One who made you feel how love feels. (Ruud)
In this world we are too concerned with ourselves, living in our ego. Many long for their twinflame but do not understand why they have met their twinflame. The point is that we have to go back to the core of love. Our other half has given us a push and has opened the path of love for us. The bottom line is that we have to learn to deal with ourselves again, to look at ourselves. I read a lot of help questions here on the site and many answerers have a greater need to tell their own story than they focus on the questioner. Interest in each other has become minimal. We may be grateful to our other half that we have experienced special love and that we can pass it on to our environment. (Unknown)