People who live together with their soul love and have made a choice? In every marriage comes a rut, how is it with soul lovers who live together? Are there experiences with this?
I do not live with my soul love. I have no experience with living together. But Soul Love is heavenly complete, release and awareness. It evokes the best in ourselves. Occasionally forget the world in each other’s arms. From the beginning, we have both experienced a strong desire for a mystical marriage within ourselves. That heavenly feeling. I wonder how things are on the earthly side, in earthly life, living together. Learning to deal with that unruly earthly reality. The strong connection that you feel with a soulmate is ‘violently’ intense but above all satisfying. Spiritually it goes heavenly, but give it shape once in the earthly hard life .. (Unknown)
Your soul love awakens you correctly. You know exactly what you need. Rut is only with terrestrial relationships. (Unknown)
do you know when you get grind if you do like what the other person does, that is grind, then you don’t care anymore. love is watered down with twins you don’t get that! I can feel that, but it will sometimes be difficult to deal with earthly reality, so perhaps also pauses in between, especially in the beginning … getting used to each other, otherwise you are constantly in a jet fighter and that does not hold up to anyone. but I think if you are used to each other it can also mean a quiet rest because you know each other so well and know what the other person needs. I long to sit with my twin ‘just’ on the couch and just enjoy each other’s presence, feel, heavenly that seems to me. rut does not exist with twins I think .. hope to be able to write again from my experience .. love (Unknown)