Q0137. Why so much pain? Soul love can be so beautiful


Your soul love communicates / vibrates on the same frequency as you, so you don’t have to explain anything, you communicate from your heart, in your feeling, no words are needed, in your contact. Often you have experienced the same pieces in the past, your soul love is the angel that helps you. You are connected in silence. Enjoy it, the word ‘ziesl Liefde’ is not without reason the word: ENJOYMENT. And from there do your thing! Sparkle !!! You vibrate at the same level, so you wherever you are, you hear each other, you feel each other, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Because the clearing process is very intensive, this soul connection becomes stronger and stronger. You help each other clean up, unprocessed things from the past, you give each other security, and peace to let you be yourself, with all your dark sides in you. Imagine a shadowy side of you coming up .. most of the time it is not so nice, because it can be seen in the mirror, (soul loved ones mirror each other). exist at that moment, precisely because you experience safety there, you can go through the associated emotion. It all happens for a reason that you meet your soul love. The person mirrors you, whoever you are. And don’t forget that the clean-up goes at a rapid pace, so you get a lot to choose. Many emotions back and forth. Just until you have processed everything. The more you have processed together, the stronger and deeper your bond will become. The people on this site, with pain and sorrow, enjoy your soul love feeling, but try to stay balanced. This is unconditional love. The most beautiful love that exists. You don’t have to worry, you don’t need anything. But you all learn that in your relationship as soul love. And that is why soul love will never stop. It is the best thing you could wish for yourself. Some people here on earth may experience this, enjoy it! Someone who says I have lost my soul love; listen and feel with your heart. Feel and think less. Thinking is learned. You have to learn to feel. You are always together every second of the day. Enjoy! Someone who says I have lost my soul love; listen and feel with your heart. Feel and think less. Thinking is learned. You have to learn to feel. You are always together every second of the day. Enjoy! Someone who says I have lost my soul love; listen and feel with your heart. Feel and think less. Thinking is learned. You have to learn to feel. You are always together every second of the day. Enjoy!

I feel comforted by these words and deep in my heart I know that it is true, but sometimes I just dare not believe that the feelings are so mutual – while I often feel him as if he were with me … (Unknown)