S297. How comprehensive something can be


We ‘knew’ each other from work, I had already noticed it and it strangely bothered me every time I saw him go away, I can remember that. I didn’t pay more attention to it then, I thought I saw a nice man, but with his girlfriend and children …

We got in touch via Wordfeud, believe it or not. The conversations became more and more intense, the feeling as well, after the first appointment I knew: I just know you, a wonderful feeling of coming home, that was mutual and became more and more intense. Example: wake up in the middle of the night, open your eyes, grab your phone in your hand and have it on the phone at THAT moment …

We had a platonic relationship, intense sexual tension, but we did not admit it. A love relationship is also not practically possible … He is in a relationship, he has not told his partner about this

The love that is SO intense and so great that it hurts … We are both very sad and know how to deal with this so far. At the moment the contact is broken (again), I just can’t handle it, my emotions take the upper hand … I have succeeded in this, but then he did not pull the ‘divorce’ and so it goes back and forth pfff.

Our relationship is very tense, as we said before, because we cannot find a manners that works for both of us. If only this relationship had ended, I could continue.

What this has brought me is the realization of how all-embracing something can be, unconditional, almost unassailable despite the difficulty level. I realize what I need and what I want in my life. Difficult because he doesn’t want to let me go and it makes me very emotional.

The most special thing for me is the permanent connection during which all earthly connections are broken … is almost a miracle.

We have, or have said before, eroticism. For fear that this would be so all-encompassing that I could not deal with this after releasing my ZL.

Soul love feels for me: irreplaceable …

I do not believe that this can happen to me again, I would rather not now, because I am in the midst of pain …
Only when I have been able to give all of this a place can I tell something, and perhaps give tips for others. I am currently in the middle of what feels like a drama to me. I’m full of sorrow.