S123. It has changed me a lot inside and made me much more aware


My story is about someone I met three years ago in Croatia. Coincidence ?! I got to know her and my first impression was of someone I felt comfortable with. A little while later when I was back home, I went looking for some reason for what could have been that I was greatly attracted to Croatia. And so I came on the path of soulmate and the spiritual world, so to speak. It was all rather complicated, I myself have been happily married for 15 years and have a very balanced marriage, my wife could even be related, one speaks of Ying -Yang in marriage and this is less or less more . This made everything even more difficult. If you suddenly feel so much love for someone unknown, you don’t know what happens to you. So I went looking in all kinds of ways. Done tarot, where I have received a very clear explanation. Did regression therapy under meditation and somehow I met her in past life, received images from the beginning of the 19th century where I lived on a farm with two children and suddenly saw my wife on her deathbed and it was then especially the eyes that were so recognizable. When I try to put all this in a row I sometimes think that I still have a lot of pain from past life because I may not have been able to really process that she died young there and this is now a lot of karma that I still have to process here have got. got images from the beginning of the 19th century where I lived on a farm with two children and suddenly saw my wife on her deathbed and it was mainly the eyes that were so recognizable. When I try to put all this in a row I sometimes think that I still have a lot of pain from past life because I may not have been able to really process that she died young there and this is now a lot of karma that I still have to process here have got. got images from the beginning of the 19th century where I lived on a farm with two children and suddenly saw my wife on her deathbed and it was mainly the eyes that were so recognizable. When I try to put all this in a row I sometimes think that I still have a lot of pain from past life because I may not have been able to really process that she died young there and this is now a lot of karma that I still have to process here have got.
She has been married in Croatia last year and has her first daughter recently. A few months ago, when she was with us, I told her all about what had happened in me (sometimes a problem with the language, she understands a lot of Dutch but not everything) and it certainly did not laugh away, but that was it therefore. I also know myself that the love I feel for her must be in the right place in my heart and that we each have our own life. The only thing I really hope from the bottom of my heart is that she will become aware of this in the long term. There have been a lot of signs in the past that I know she is something special, especially the look in her eyes on very some moments tell enough and are so recognizable that most here will understand what I mean. I know that I will have to have a lot of patience before she will be able to experience this consciously since her background (believing in the church I Croatia) and past lives and karma are not known there. This is something that I think about every day and know that I have to let go of this, but everyone here knows how it feels and I think it has nothing to do with falling in love, but with pure divine love and it is endless. I am very thankful to God for our friendship and have changed me a lot inside and made me more aware, but it certainly has not become easier. I hope you understand This is something that I think about every day and know that I have to let go of this, but everyone here knows how it feels and I think it has nothing to do with falling in love, but with pure divine love and it is endless. I am very thankful to God for our friendship and have changed me a lot inside and made me more aware, but it certainly has not become easier. I hope you understand This is something that I think about every day and know that I have to let go of this, but everyone here knows how it feels and I think it has nothing to do with falling in love, but with pure divine love and it is endless. I am very thankful to God for our friendship and have changed me a lot inside and made me more aware, but it certainly has not become easier. I hope you understand